Road, parking part of seminary plan

People are expressing concern about a plan for the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary campus that includes a winding street lined with head-in parking which would run from the current parking lot for Wake Forest Baptist Church, behind Front Street, the rock wall and the historic arch and end at North Avenue near the North Main Street intersection. Last week people became aware of the seminary plan because subcontractors felled and removed 12 trees of various sizes as part of the construction of Wake Forest Baptist’s new fellowship and education building. The trees included a large magnolia that Jim Weathers, the chairman of the building committee at the church, said had missing branches. There was also a large oak that Charlie Yokley, a senior planner in the town’s planning department, said was examined by an arborist before it was taken down and found to be diseased, though it would have lasted

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The editor’s opinion: Find your own experts

As someone concerned about the town of Wake Forest’s continued economic prosperity, I wholeheartedly hope that Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will continue to grow and prosper. SEBTS has provided wonderful care for the historic rock-walled campus. It is therefore very surprising that the 20-year master plan reveals a lack of sensitivity to that history and to the sensibilities of the seminary’s fellow townspeople and college alumni by proposing a street lined with parking spaces behind that wall and the entrance arch, a narrow parking lot that will be visible from Front Street and the Underpass. A growing student body and faculty will indeed need more parking, but there must be places in and near the campus that could be used instead. There may be several in town who would like to protest that aspect of the plan – or other parts – but wonder if their views or concerns would

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Wireless Center extends its reach

Innovators get a boost in the Commercialization Center These days when representatives from large multinational companies and organizations step off an airplane at Raleigh-Durham Airport, they may not be heading west to the Research Triangle Park. Instead, they may drive to Wake Forest and an unassuming office building off Rogers Road. The same is true for officials of eastern Carolina counties and town, for people with an idea that needs assistance to become real and for officials from the state Department of Commerce, Duke, UNC, UNC-G and UNC-W, NC State and East Carolina. They are all going to the Wireless Research Center of North Carolina headed by Dr. Gerard Hayes, the founder and president, and General Manager Larry Steffan, who are backed by a staff of nine experts in wireless technology. Very soon another engineer will join the staff. Also in the four connected suites are at least five entrepreneurs

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Get wet to help Sanford Creek

The Town of Wake Forest is seeking groups and individuals to assist with a ‘Late Summer Stream Project’ at Sanford Creek on Saturday, Aug. 16, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers are asked to assemble in the Golden Star Way cul-de-sac in Heritage South between 8:45 and 9 a.m. Participants should come prepared to help install coir logs at the edge of Sanford Creek, duck bill anchors and live stakes, and pick up trash. Litter bags and grabberswill be provided. Volunteers should bring gloves and a hat, drinking water,a snack, insect repellant and sunscreen. In addition, wear sturdy boots and clothes that can get wet. The Aug. 16 effort is an important part of the Smith Creek Watershed Restoration Project that involves studying the watershed for aquatic life, including benthos and bugs, in response to the 303d impaired waters determination in 2008. The initiative is designed to help re-introduce

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Brief Bits

Local Veterans of Foreign Wars, Memorial Post 8466, will hold a fund-raising Flap-Jack Breakfast at Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill at 11085 Retail Drive on Saturday, Aug. 16, from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Tickets are $7. The money raised will benefit a number of programs for veterans in and near Wake Forest. Tickets can be purchased from VFW members – find a tent full of them at the Wake Forest Farmers Market on Saturdays – or purchased at the restaurant on Aug. 16. For more information and tickets, call 919-518-3749. * * * * Clearing and grading is underway for the first neighborhood in the Holding Village subdivision. You can see it from the extension of South Franklin Street which runs north from Rogers Road, and an announcement about it is expected soon. Once part of the 900-plus acres of the Holding family’s dairy farm and originally planned by family

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Find 20 artists in three galleries

19th annual Tour of Artists will be Sept. 6 and 7 One of the delights of the annual Tour of Artists is to watch artists making their art, showing how you too can turn a blank canvas into a watercolor landscape or a portrait done in oils. This year there will be so many demonstrations visitors may not be able to see them all, particularly if you stop at three galleries in downtown Wake Forest – the Artists’ Nook, Wake Forest Art & Frame Shop and Sunflower Studio & Gallery. There will be 20 artists in these three spaces, and 12 of the artists will be demonstrating their techniques. In the Artists’ Nook next to Mimosa, both Mary Benejam and Trish Nardozzi will be demonstrating using oils. Bonnie Becker will demonstrate her watercolor techniques in Wake Forest Art & Frame. Also in that shop you will find professional portrait artist

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Livingstone featured at Writer’s Night

Writer’s Night in the Forest continues at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre on Thursday, Aug. 14, at 7 p.m. with Nancy Livingstone, author of “Against Their Will.” “Against Their Will” is a compelling thriller that centers on a reporter and a movie star being used against their will as medical test subjects. Embroiled in a conspiracy that involves government cover-ups, and a scientific data conspiracy targeting the president of the United States, the two must embark on a dangerous journey to stop those determined to gain control of an unthinkably powerful force. A writer of both fiction and nonfiction for nearly 20 years, Nancy Livingstone was a winner in the Writer’s Digest 2001 Writing Competition. She lives in North Carolina, where she is working on her next novel. Designed for avid readers in our community, ‘Writer’s Night in the Forest’ is a chance for anyone who enjoys getting lost in

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Try a Taste of the Market Saturday

This Saturday at the Wake Forest Farmers Market the multi-talented market manager, Robin Hendricks, will demonstrate her cooking, whipping up a dish or dishes using market ingredients. She said she might make squash fritters, “A simple easy dish that can be served hot when made but, it’s also a quick snack cold on the run.” Nutritious, too, like so much of what you will find at the market, which is open from 8 a.m. to noon in the parking lot along North White Street behind CVS. The squashes, melons, corn and potatoes have a precursor to Vitamin A that helps with healing and flavonoids to help the immune system remain strong. All of the different tomatoes, from heritage to just-developed, contain lycopene and other chemicals that are antioxidants that help repair cells and fight cancers. So eat up, eat well and eat healthy. This week’s entertainer is Shawn Deena. Remember

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New WF Downtown board members named

Wake Forest Downtown Inc. (WFD) is pleased to announce the appointment of four new board members and a new executive committee. Shanean Anderson, DDS; Bill Harrison, PhD; Jennifer Smart; and Joe Kimray are the newest WFD Board of Directors members, joining 12 other directors who oversee the organization’s program of work, policies and practices, strategic planning and adherence to the Main Street principles. Anderson owns and operates Smile Sculptors of Wake Forest, a dental practice on Franklin Street in downtown Wake Forest; Harrison owns and operates Parlér Properties LLC, a real estate services agency on South White Street in downtown Wake Forest; Smart is the Assistant Director of the Wake Forest Historical Museum on North Main Street; and Kimray manages B&W Hardware, a long-time storefront on South White Street in downtown Wake Forest. All four new board members are active in serving and supporting Wake Forest, surrounding communities, and local

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*The Wake Forest Farmers Market will be open its regular summer hours, 8 a.m. to noon, on Saturday, Aug. 16, in the parking lot behind CVS. *The Wake Forest Guild’s Tour of Artists will take place Sept. 6 and 7. Go to for details including the names of the 61 participating artists. *The Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the 25th Annual Tar River Festival from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15, in downtown Louisburg.

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