
September 7, 2024

Join the museum excitement

(Again, Jill Bright is providing the best information in her spirited style)

Hello, friends of The Wake Forest College Birthplace Society and your Wake Forest Historical Museum,

My, how time flies.  The staff and board at the museum cannot believe how much we have to do and how quickly April 16 will be here.  This is so exciting!!

We have even more exciting news. Because of the recent snows, the statewide meeting for museum staffs involved with this Smithsonian exhibit was rescheduled … now they are all coming to our Wake Forest museum!!!! Imagine, another opportunity for history and sports lovers to tour our town and museum! We work very hard and will be proud to show off our first-class museum and friendly town. They will leave talking about how fortunate we are.

I had emailed our sponsorship brochure to several, hoping to have it forwarded and shared, as I do not have as many possible interested contacts as you do. We have NOT had a fund raiser in over 10 years, but because of this unique exhibit, its specifications from Smithsonian, and the magnitude of  work, we are in need of some extra finances.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to those of you that have already donated, I will acknowledge you more when closer to our opening.  We have NOT met our goal yet, but appreciate every donation you have shared. We budget and use our monies wisely, so asking yearly (as most organizations do) is not what we like to do.

Unlike many small town museums, our admission is free (and we hope to keep it that way),  mainly because of the support from the Town of Wake Forest, Wake Forest University, our society memberships and most importantly, from the many volunteers that make the running of your museum possible. We really, REALLY appreciate these volunteers and groups. Thank you again for your continued support, as without you, we would close (as many museums have: example, Chapel Hill museum closed because of lack of funds and support. Sad).

So now, about this plea, as noted below, our deadline is near. If you, or someone you forwarded this to, is interested in supporting our Smithsonian exhibit, and need us to help follow up, please let Ed, Jennifer, Durward or me know. 919-556-2911. This one time donation will help us get the necessary preparations ready for this event.  Game time is near, and we will get it done, one way or another. (Editor’s note: The deadline for donations to be acknowledged in the printed materials has passed, but any donations now or soon will be gratefully accepted.)

We will also be sending out the many meeting times for docent trainings very soon. Because of snow, the classes for the professional trainings for Ed and Jennifer to be able to teach us were canceled also. I will let you know as soon as I know  when they will be at our museum.

Thank you again for your interest, time, monies and/or help in sharing this Smithsonian exhibit with the many children, seniors, teams, schools and families from  central NC that will visit us in April and May.  GO TEAM!!!!!

Hometown Teams: How Sports Shape America, a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution, will be at the Wake Forest Historical Museum on North Main Street from April 16 through May 31. This is one of only five North Carolina museums selected to host the exhibit, which is free and will be open to the public every day during the exhibit.

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One Response

  1. Thanks for the great article. We are truly excited about being able to bring The Smithsonian Institution to our town. The exhibit should be a real treat for everyone in the larger Wake Forest community and beyond. We already have groups scheduled to visit from as far away as Greensboro and Burlington.

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