
September 7, 2024

Joyner daisies raise awareness of human trafficking

The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department and the Wake Forest Woman’s Club will kick off a joint beautification project at E. Carroll Joyner Park on Tuesday, May 10, at 11 a.m. Located at 701 Harris Road, one mile east of Capital Boulevard, Joyner Park is Wake Forest’s largest park, situated on 117 acres.

In observance of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs’ Federation Day, Wake Forest Woman’s Club members will plant gloriosa daisies along one of the walking paths at the northern end of Joyner Park. The Woman’s Club selected the area to raise awareness about Partners Against Trafficking Humans or PATH-NC.

“Our community service project will serve three purposes,” said Wake Forest Woman’s Club member Dawn Nakash. “First, it will bring public awareness to human trafficking since this garden will be dedicated to the victims and survivors of this horrible crime. Secondly, the PRCR department will use the project to develop guidelines for other organizations interested in initiating parks beautification programs. And lastly, it will bring enjoyment to the many citizens and visitors who use the paths throughout Joyner Park for walking and running.”

Once the flower garden is planted, the Wake Forest Woman’s Club will continue to provide for its care and maintenance. Area residents are invited to attend the beautification project kick-off. For more information, contact Dawn Nakash at 919-926-1452.

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