
September 7, 2024

Koinonia cares for those in need

The 20th annual Koinonia Cares Charity Dinner and Auction will be held Saturday, Feb. 7, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Forks Cafeteria.

If you do not know about this quiet group that began in a church Sunday School, go to their website and learn how they help people and other volunteer charitable groups in the greater Wake Forest area. You can find it at http://www.koinoniawf.org.

The feature of the February event is the silent auction followed by a live auction of some unique items and valuable services.

The organization that will be featured this year is Safe Space, a local shelter for abused women and children. Other organizations that receive Koinonia funds are Backpack Buddies, providing food for hungry children at local elementary schools; ChurchNet, which provides funds for rent and utilities for families in need; and Tri-Area Ministries, the local food bank helping families in need. There are others you can learn about at the dinner.

One of their newer efforts is the Thelma Wright Youth Grant Program, which seeks to fund creative and innovative mission projects for young people and youth groups in the area.

Tickets are $30 per person, and sponsorships are available from $100 to $1,000 with tickets provided for the sponsorships.

Items for the silent auction are needed. If you can donate, go to auction@koinoniawf.org to find out when and where to deliver the item(s).

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