Editor housebound but Gazette continues

I had surgery on my left foot last week and must not put any weight on it for at least four weeks, leaving me housebound and, for this week at least, mostly in bed. I will continue the Gazette to the best of my abilities. I am asking Gazette readers to be my eyes and ears out in the community, telling me, for instance, when the detour signs go up and deconstruction/construction begins on the Horse Creek bridge on Purnell Road. Thank you all for your patience. Carol Pelosi

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Body Shop leaving Wake Forest

The Body Shop, which has been in Wake Forest since 1992, will be closing its customer service center in early July and establishing a new U.S. headquarters in New York City. The move will throw 145 employees out of work although the company says it is making offers to about 10 Wake Forest employees to relocate. There will be the headquarters office in New York City, offices in New Jersey and a distribution center somewhere in the northeast. The Body Shop is a British firm with international headquarters in Littlehampton, West Sussex, England and is owned by O’Oreal, which acquired it in 2006. The maker of natural beauty and bath products was begun in 1976 by Anita Perilli Roddick and now has more than 3,000 stores in 67 countries. The move out of the facility on One World Way in Wake Forest will leave the large building and its 35

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Celebration Jan. 22 will honor Dr. King

Several local churches and community organizations will join to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during a free public celebration Thursday, Jan. 22, at Friendship Chapel Baptist Church at 237 Friendship Chapel Road. All area residents are invited to attend, which will begin with a supper at 6 p.m. followed by the program at  7. The theme for the evening will be taken from one of King’s messages: “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” Samuel Gunter, the Wake County Habitat for Humanity Faith and Advocacy Coordinator will be the featured speaker. The program will also showcase the art and performances of young people from local schools. Local groups that contributing to the celebration include the Wake Forest Human Relations Council, Friendship Chapel Baptist Church, Heritage Baptist Church, Wake Forest Baptist Church and Wakefield Family Church.

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Fifth annual Snowball Crawl

The Lemon Tree and other downtown Wake Forest businesses are inviting everyone to join the fifth annual Snowball Crawl through the participating shops, enjoying sips and nibbles while finding great promotions and deals. The evening begins at 6 p.m. and will end at White Street Brewing Company for craft beers and raffles. Over $300 in gift certificates from White Street merchants will be raffled. To register your team, send a note to Stacey@thelemontreewf.com or call her at 919-946-2302.

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Academy is first step to planning board

Interested in one day applying for the Wake Forest Planning Board, probably the most popular choice for those seeking seats on the town’s advisory boards? Your first step should be to enroll in the 2015 Wake Forest Planning Board Academy, a comprehensive training program designed to prepare residents of the town and its extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) to serve on the planning board. Academy participants will be expected to attend one training session one evening per month from February through May. The session dates are Feb. 9, March 9, April 13 and May 11. Each session will include dinner and will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 South Brooks Street. Class size is limited, and pre-registration is required. Session instructors will be provided by the law firm of Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP. Please note only residents of Wake Forest and the town’s ETJ

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Market still offers fresh local foods

The vendors at the Wake Forest Farmers Market know that their foods – meats, vegetables, honey, and baked goods – offer a wholesome alternative because they are raised or produced within 75 miles of the market and most are either totally organic or raised without pesticides and antibiotics. Come see and taste the difference Saturday, Jan. 17, when the market will be open from 10 a.m. to noon in the Renaissance Plaza on Brooks Street. There is plenty of parking. This week, if the farmers can protect them from this week’s ice and cold, there may be spinach, kale, cabbage, sugar snaps, sweet potatoes and turnips for sale along with the variety of meats – beef, chicken, pork, turkey, rabbit and goat – and baked goods. There will be honey and honey products such as lip balm, along with natural soaps and lotions. You will also find jewelry. The market

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Get happy with the Cash Mob

Everyone is invited to participate in the next Downtown Wake Forest Cash Mob Event. We will meet in front of Sunflower Studio & Gallery, 214 East Jones Avenue, at 4 p.m. on Saturday, January 24, where each person is committed to spending $20. Sunflower Studio has been the cornerstone of artwork and art lessons in the community for 15 years. The charming 1930’s bungalow has every nook and cranny adorned with the work of a wide variety of local artisans and seven resident artists. They also do Paint Parties (paint step by step acrylic on canvas)! Afterwards we will continue the party down the street at recently opened Ollie’s, 213 South White Street. Ollie’s serves Well Bean Coffee and fresh pastries and breads, with nook seating in the two display storefront windows, a large seating area in the middle and a gift shop in the back. Please join us in welcoming this new business. Experience how Cash Mob can be a great way to support and connect to your

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Writer’s Night returns Thursday

Writer’s Night in the Forest returns to the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre on Thursday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. with Connie Domino, author of “The Law of Forgiveness.” Did you know that lack of forgiveness can block dreams and goals from manifesting in every area of your life? Through her new book, “The Law of Forgiveness,” Connie teaches how to recognize and remove any blocks for quick manifestations. Sometimes our thinking, feelings and strategies only need fine tuning, for our grandest goals and dreams to come true. Free and open to the public, Writer’s Night in the Forest is designed to promote local authors and their works. Each month the Renaissance Centre invites a different author to discuss a particular book and answer questions from the audience. The program typically concludes with a book signing by the featured author. A special edition of Writer’s Night in the Forest is being

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Koinonia celebrates 25 years of caring

The Koinonia Foundation will mark 25 years of meeting basic human needs in the greater Wake Forest area with its Koinonia Cares Charity Auction held at The Forks Cafeteria on February 7 starting at 5:30 pm. This year’s theme, “Caring for the Hearts of Our Community for 25 years,” reflects both the foundation’s milestone anniversary and the auction’s proximity to Valentine’s Day, a holiday about love and caring, according to Bob Hill, president of Koinonia. “The Koinonia Foundation reflects the caring nature and spirit of our community, and our February auction has become a wonderful Valentine’s tradition in the greater Wake Forest area,” said Hill. “The support of businesses, organizations and individuals enable Koinonia to provide assistance for our neighbors in need who have nowhere else to turn.” Established back in 1990, the Koinonia Foundation has evolved into a non-denominational organization that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Foundation has given nearly

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Vacancies on four boards

You can make a difference in your community and your life by serving on one of the Town of Wake Forest’s advisory boards where there are currently vacancies on four boards. If you live in town or in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) you can apply for one of the two openings on the Urban Forestry Board, the vacancy on the Board of Adjustment and the one empty seat on the Cemetery Advisory Board. Only town residents are eligible to apply and serve on the Senior Center Advisory Board. The senior center board meets four times a year; the other boards meet monthly. Completed applications will be accepted until 5 p.m., Monday, Jan. 19, and may be mailed or delivered to Town Clerk Deeda Harris, Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St., Wake Forest, NC 27587 or faxed to 919-435-9419. UFB applicants will have the opportunity to appear before the

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