Introducing more WF artists

19th annual Tour of Artists will be Sept. 6 and 7 More than 60 area artists will participate in this year’s Tour of Artists, which will take place Saturday, Sept. 6, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 7, from noon to 5 p.m. The tour is free, but bring cash, checks or credit cards because you will end up buying something. Remember not every artist will have the ability to accept credit cards. Find a map for all the studios and the list of artists at The following artists will be showing and demonstrating their art during the tour: Lauri Arnstsen Studio at 925 Wait Avenue, Wake Forest Lauri Arntsen’s professional focus has transitioned from a successful career in graphic design to that of an award-winning fine artist. Specializing in encaustic wax painting, oil painting, and mixed media creations, Lauri and her work have been recognized by gallery

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Find origami and quilts at Saturday’s market

Some of the artists from Wake Forest ARTS will be in the children’s at the Wake Forest Farmers Market Saturday, Aug. 30, to demonstrate – and help children make – origami butterflies. They probably would even teach a tractable adult or two. Another visiting group is the Ladies of Valor who will be selling raffle tickets for one of their beautiful quilts they make for wounded veterans. They will use the money for materials to make more quilts. Buy a few tickets; you can never have too many quilts. The veterans over in the American Legion/VFW tent always have a little hustle going, and this time it is a raffle to win a Gold Book. Always near or beside them are the volunteer Master Gardeners, who can only offer soil testing kits, but it is very valuable to learn what is in your soil. One gardener found he had off-the-chart

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WFPD offers weekly fingerprinting

The Wake Forest Police Department offers live scan fingerprinting as a courtesy to the general public on Thursdays from 2-4 p.m. The live scan fingerprinting, also known as electronic fingerprinting, is performed at the Wake Forest Police Department, 225 S. Taylor St. Fingerprinting service is offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and space is limited each week to the first 12 people to arrive. The cost is $10 for Wake Forest residents and $15 for non-residents. Cash, check, and credit cards are accepted, but payment must be made at the Wake Forest Town Hall customer service window before the fingerprinting service will be rendered. A valid picture ID is required for identification. For more information about the Wake Forest Police Department’s fingerprinting service, call 919-554-6150. The Raleigh/Wake City-County Bureau of Identification (CCBI) offers fingerprinting service daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The fee is $15. The CCBI is located

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Three bond issues on fall ballot

On Nov. 4, on the same day we vote for a new United States senator and representatives along with state and county officials and judges, Wake Forest voters will have a separate ballot asking them to vote on three bond issues for street and sidewalk improvements, parks and recreation construction, and greenway construction and expansion. The total of the three separate bond questions is $25.1 million broken down to $6.3 million for street and sidewalks, $14.2 million for parks and recreation, and $4.6 million for the greenway improvements. Asked to rate which is more important by Wake Forest Weekly Associate Editor David Leone during the Monday morning media briefing for the bond issues, Town Manager Mark Williams said, “They are all important. They all have a part to play in the quality of life” in Wake Forest. If the voters approve the bonds, he said, the money will allow the

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*The Wake Forest Farmers Market will be open its regular summer hours, 8 a.m. to noon, on Saturday, Aug. 30, in the parking lot behind CVS. *The Wake Forest Town Board will hold its monthly work session Tuesday, Sept. 2, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Wake Forest Town Hall. There will not be a planning board meeting that night. *Area residents are invited to a series of focus groups to help plan the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Master Plan. The groups will be held throughout the day and at different locations on Wednesday, Sept. 3. See article in this week’s issue for details. *The Wake Forest Woman’s Club will sponsor the Antique Road Show Extravaganza Saturday, Sept. 6, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Carillon Assisted Living. See article in this week’s issue for details. *Wake Forest Unplugged . . . Get Connected will return to E.

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Maylon Jones Frazier Maylon Jones Frazier, 91, of Raleigh passed away Friday, August 22, 2014, at his home. He was born and reared on a farm in Franklin County, the son of the late Grover Haywood Frazier and Goldie Hagwood Frazier. He served in the United States Army Air Corps as an Aerial Gunner in WW II and later attended Hardbarger Business School where he received an accounting diploma. Mr. Frazier retired from the City of Raleigh Fire Department as a Captain after 28 years of service and was a dedicated member of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Raleigh. Throughout the years he served as Deacon, Sunday School Teacher and Treasurer and also served on the NC Baptist Foundation Board of Directors. He volunteered for several mission trips along with his wife in the 1980s having served in Togo, West Africa. Funeral services were held at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon, August

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