Tryon subdivision on planning agenda
Members of the Wake Forest Planning Board will be faced with a rezoning request for a major subdivision Tuesday night, June 3. Tryon WF LLC of Knightdale wants a rezoning from Wake County’s R-30 and R-80W to conditional use GR 10 for 279 single-family lots and 136 townhouse lots on 131.49 acres south of Oak Grove Church Road. The land, currently five lots served by a dirt street, Copper Beech Lane, is immediately west of the King’s Glen subdivision now being constructed. The current land owners – Virginia and Mark Byckowski, Michael and Connie Flynn, Roddy Norvoroli, Debbie Grissom and Margaret Williams – have petitioned for annexation, but the public hearing on that question was delayed at the town board’s May 20 meeting for action, maybe, at the June 17 meeting because of the pending subdivision request. The northwestern portion of the land, 7.92 acres, is in the watershed for