
July 26, 2024

Time to apply to advisory boards

This is the time for people who are interested in helping the Wake Forest community to apply for open seats on the boards because the three-year terms end in December. Each board except the Board of Adjustment and the Design Review Board has nine members with staggered terms.

The Wake Forest commissioners have just approved two new boards, meaning nine new members must be appointed to each. They are the Cultural Resources Advisory Board and the Technology Advisory Board. That last board was just made official Tuesday night.

The other boards with openings this year are the Cemetery, Public Art, Design Review, Greenways, Historic Preservation, Planning, Senior Center and Urban Forestry.

You can find the application for the boards on line at http://www.wakeforestnc.gov/advisory-boards.aspx as well as the information about each board. Some, like the Historic Preservation Commission, have residency requirements. Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, Oct. 31.

These are not cushy positions. Advisory board members organize events and volunteer, have extra meetings when there are important decisions to be made, and must educate themselves about the town and the role of their boards.

It is, however, very important in Wake Forest to have the input, hard work and knowledge advisory board members contribute, and it is a wonderful learning experience.

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