RST hoping for permit soon

RST Fiber is still waiting on a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to cross the Neuse River and link its project in Wake Forest with a fiber cable service point in Raleigh.

RST CEO Dan Limerick said this week that he hopes to be updating the Gazette in the near future. Meanwhile, “Our crews have been reassigned to other areas to work on private build out income-producing jobs. When the permits are issued (which we have no control over) and we complete the build out on these other jobs, we will reschedule our crews to continue the build in Wake Forest. As our network is expanded I must, as the CEO, ensure that we keep our crews working and are focused on what’s best for the network’s future growth. I will keep you updated on the permit process and once received, give you my best estimate when our work will resume in Wake Forest.”

RST began work in Wake Forest in April with boring to begin running a conduit to the Raleigh service point. The company has also installed some fiber in the Crenshaw Manor subdivision although there are no connected customers yet and will not be until after the permit is issued.

There is another company installing fiber optic internet connections in some subdivisions. CenturyLink has already installed the connections in the new Traditions subdivision on the N.C. 98 bypass and has begun installing the connections in the Bishops Grant and Bowling Gree subdivisions a bit farther east on N.C. 98 (Wait Avenue.

Requests to CenturyLink for details about the installations and whether the company would be making the new internet connection available more widely in and near town were not answered.
