A reader’s opinion: Choosing a candidate

There is no such thing as a perfect candidate to vote for. Sometimes we are forced to pick between the “Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” The candidate who is average, the candidate who is bad, or the candidate who is terrible.

In North Carolina we have to pick between average Democrat Senator Kay Hagan and terrible Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate Thom Tillis.

Democrat Kay Hagan will support the majority of the wants and needs of the North Carolina citizens. Thom Tillis by his prior actions and speeches has made it perfectly clear that he only supports the wants and needs of the 1 percent of the very rich and powerful citizens of North Carolina.

We the citizens of North Carolina must vote for the candidate that will represent the wants and needsof the majority o fcitizens.

Kay has also been put at the top of the Koch brothers’ hit list, and they have spent over 10 million dollars to defeat her in her re-election. In addition, our favorite Republican idiot Karl Rove’sgroup has spent over 7 million dollars to defeat her.

Ask yourself this simple question: Why are the rich and powerful spending so much money to defeat your senator? Could it be that she opposes the moves made by the Republicans to only represent the interests of the super rich and powerful?

Personally, I believe there should be a federal law that would prevent anyone from contributing to a candidate that they cannot vote for. I do not like the fact that someone from outside the State of North Carolina has the ability to influence the election of a candidate who is supposed to represent me and all the citizens of North Carolina.

I have always said that if you do not vote you do not have the right to complain. To not vote is to abdicate your duty and responsibility as a citizen. Did you know that voting and establishing the right to vote is the number one issue that is mentioned in the U.S. Constitution more than any other issue?

Theodore Ziolkowski

Kernersville, NC



2 Responses

  1. Up until now, the Wake Forest Gazette has been fairly free of political opinions, and we all know about opinions. The Reader’s Opinion page should be eliminated to avoid further embarassing discussion about politics in general and in specific to name candidates and choosing sides since it will get bad and ugly if continued.

  2. I’m neither a republican nor a democrat, so I have no dog in this fight. I subscribe to this site to be kept up to date on local news and events. As an independent voter who has rejected the myopic and hypocritical platforms of both parties, I have zero tolerance for partisan bickering, especially the “lesser of two evils” rhetoric, which, apart from being disingenuous, does nothing but perpetuate the existence of blind devotion to the two-party system that’s crippling the republic.

    If commentary like this is going to be a regular feature, please let me know so I can unsubscribe.