
September 7, 2024

Brief Bits

There is a new manager – the new designation for head librarian – at Wake Forest Library. She is Debbie Shreve and she is returning to Wake County after a sting with the Orange County Library System. Before going to Orange County, Shreve was a Youth Services Librarian at the West Regional Library.

Ann Burlingame, the deputy director for Wake County Public Libraries, said, “We are so excited to have Debbie back in Wake County in a management position.  As a librarian, Debbie managed our Summer Reading Program as well as established innovative programs at the West Regional Library.  We are so fortunate to have her back in WCPL.”

The Wake Forest Library is on East Holding Avenue next to the Northern Regional Center.

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It is that time of year – time for church bazaars – and the Gazette would love to know about and publish information about your bazaar. Just send the information to cwpelosi@aol.com.

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