
September 7, 2024

Pay $50,000, get a traffic signal


If the town ponies up $50,000, it is very likely, almost a sure thing, that the state Department of Transportation will install a traffic signal at the South Franklin Street/N.C. 98 bypass intersection.


That is what Planning Director Chip Russell told the mayor and commissioners Tuesday night at the close of their work session.


He happened to see the assistant district engineer for DOT’s Division Five at a meeting in the last few days. Russell said the engineer told him that “if the town makes a contribution the benefit-cost ratio jumps to a level where it may be considered.


“They understand that it is a priority,” Russell said. “We think this can be done relatively quickly.” Russell said that could mean the traffic signal would be installed “by this time next year.”


Mayor Vivian Jones may be sending out the letter today, and Town Manager Mark Williams appeared to be saying that finding the money at the time of construction would not be a problem.


Relief for other problem intersections may be coming soon too.


Among the projects that could be paid for if voters approve bond referendums in November is one to work with DOT to provide signals and other improvements at three intersections: Chalk Road/Jones Dairy Road, Heritage Lake Road/Heritage Club Road, Marshall Farm Road/Rogers Road. The homeowners in Heritage have pledged $25,000 to install a signal at Marshall Farm and Rogers. The proposed budget for the traffic signals and improvements at the intersections if the bonds are approved is $500,000.


The relief for the intersection where Caveness Farm Avenue meets Capital Boulevard may come if and when the proposed Sam’s Club is built on the already cleared and graded land where the Shoppes at Caveness Farms was proposed and never built. The town planning department is reviewing the plans for the Sam’s Club which could call for major changes at that intersection.


For those not familiar with the intersection where Franklin Street currently deadends at the N.C. 98 bypass, many Wake Forest residents will tell them that they take a roundabout route rather than attempting to turn left from Franklin Street onto the bypass (the Dr. Calvin Jones Highway) to go west.


It is difficult to see to the right for traffic heading west from the South Main Street intersection because the road rises in that direction with a slight curve.


A traffic signal, once installed, will not be the final answer for that intersection. As Holding Village is developed on the south side of the bypass with an extension of Franklin Street that will reach Rogers Road, DOT’s current plan is to remake the intersection into a super street. Traffic going north and south on Franklin will not be able to cross the intersection directly. Instead a vehicle heading south will have to make a right turn, go to the next intersection (South Main Street) to make a protected U-turn, head west and then turn into the southern section of Franklin Street. A vehicle heading north will also have to turn right, travel to the Heritage Lake Road intersection for a protected U-turn and then go back to Franklin Street.


This scenario may not be implemented for several years because the earliest building in Holding Village is expected to take place on the southern side of the traditional neighborhood subdivision near Rogers Road where there is an extension of Franklin Street.




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5 Responses

  1. Why not make it a right-hand turn only and and avoid yet another stop light on what is supposed to be a bypass around town?

  2. I would hope that attention will be paid to Forestville Road where during morning and evening rush hour traffic is backed up from the light on Burlington Mills Road to the light on Rogers Road. Soon a new development of 67 homes will be going up across from Thorn Rose Subdivision so you will have two streets facing each other vying for entry on Forestville Road.

    I find it incomprehensible that there is no sidewalk for the students walking to school at Forestville High from Thorn Rose and Dansforth Subdivisions! There is a sidewalk from the school to MacDonalds!

    1. It gets worse… DOT is planning to replace the bridge near Heritage HS with a TWO Lane bridge, and so there appears absolutely no plan to 4 lane that stretch of road in the near to distant future.

  3. There is an error in the article. A left turn from S. Franklin St. on to the Bypass will have one travelling East (not West).

    1. It is my understanding that the “fancy chicken coops (4 in number) embellishing both ends of S. Franklin cost around $50,000 each . They were subsequently upgraded with a different colored metal roof. This project resulted in a new intersection that “people avoid”. So much for the aesthetic value of the structures. Too bad they also lack anesthetic qualities. What with the jangled nerves. They aren’t even a bus stop! Sure wish we had those funds now. We could allocate them to, say, signal lights!

      With all of the ‘planning’ that takes place to consider new projects how coulda town end up with this scenario? We should have learned to prevent these instances a long time ago. Like right after the ‘dog leg’ was installed on S. White St. In the middle of the business district.
      I hope the new lights solve the problem better than the ones installed at White and Roosevelt. At times traffic still backs up half way to Youngsville. And savvy pedestrians avoid that intersection also. It is safer to jay walk.

      Mike Webb

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