
September 7, 2024

Wake Forest Parks & Rec has a new name

The town’s parks and recreation department will have a new name and a new look in coming months.

The name is now the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department, and Director Ruben Wall said last week during the town board’s retreat that they will be “rebranding parks and rec.” along with the new name there will be a new logo and new signs at the parks and other recreational and cultural facilities.

It will be phased in – new signs installed to replace aging signs that need replacement – and it will take a while to change the uniforms.

“We think it would be a good thing for us. We will recreate and make it fresh,” Wall said.

The name change, Mayor Vivian Jones said, “puts more value on cultural resources.”

Look for an unveiling ceremony when the first new sign is installed.

In other discussions during the retreat, the commissioners:

* appeared to agree that planning board public hearings should be limited to an hour. It was suggested that any quasi-judicial hearing should be scheduled after other hearings.

* appeared to agree that there should be a police officer in the room for the town board and planning board meetings and that he, or someone else appointed, should require people leaving after a hearing to move quickly to the hall and then to the lobby for any discussions.

* learned that that connection between Capcom Avenue and Grandmark, giving Capcom a second exit, will be built soon. The town has received a $150,000 grant from the N.C. Department of Commerce to pay for a third of the connection with the property owners on either side paying a third each.

* agreed that town employees who ride through town regularly should report instances of trash piling up on a lot or other problems that might lead to town intervention. “We shouldn’t have to wait until a neighbor calls,” Jones said. Town Manager Mark Williams said it would be added to the training for new employees.

* had a long discussion about general liability insurance for the new Renaissance Centre, but there was no resolution. The town attorney and town staff are working on the problem.

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One Response

  1. Per this:

    * agreed that town employees who ride through town regularly should report instances of trash piling up on a lot or other problems that might lead to town intervention. “We shouldn’t have to wait until a neighbor calls,” Jones said. Town Manager Mark Williams said it would be added to the training for new employees.”

    Honestly folks the citizens do not need many more sets of prying eyes trying to find something wrong with what the Wake Forest citizens, residents, visitors are doing. We just don’t need more “big brothers” looking to find a reason to regulate or fine our folks. This type comment does not create trust in our local government and it’s employees. We have some very fine Town of Wake Forest employees who care, who devote their own free time to helping this community out of pride and commitment. Please don’t saddle them with becoming the “eyes” of government trying to find fault with their neighbors. It’s just not fair to them or to the citizens.

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