
September 7, 2024

Board appointed advisory board members

On Dec. 17 the Wake Forest town commissioners appointed a number of people to some of the town’s advisory boards. There are still unfilled seats on some boards; for details and how to apply, see the article in this week’s issue.

The appointments are:

* To the Board of Adjustment, Dale Dawson, William Hedrick, Jonathan Thomas and Julie Kruse.

* To the Cemetery Board, the commissioners will vote on candidates this month.

* To the UDO’s Design Review Board, Cynthia Cook, Paul Eitel, James Esquivel, Matt Hale and Harry Mitchell.

* To the Greenways Advisory Board, Chris Ray, Ron Rosenburg and Berry Stevens.

* To the Historic Preservation Commission, Tom Neal, Parker Schlink and Ann Welton.

* To the Human Relations Council, Darlene Godsey, Dennis Brennan and Seth Bible.

* To the Wake Forest Planning Board, Grif Bond, Steve DeRosa, Bob Hill and Shirley Sulick. Steve DeRosa was appointed to complete Ward Marotti’s term.

* To the Public Art Commission, John Pelosi, Jim Wallace and Julie Young.

* To the Recreation Advisory Board, Einar Bohlin, Jeremy Farnham, Jeff Sank and Walter Ton.

* To the Senior Center Board, Fran Armstrong, Pamela Harris, Jean Leppek and Pam Perkins.

* To the Urban Forestry Board, Sarah Hutchins, Suzanne Beaumont and Mindy Hidenfelter.

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