
September 7, 2024

Three bond issues easily approved

Wake Forest voters approved all three bond referendum questions Tuesday by large margins, meaning the town will be able to fund $55 million in streets and sidewalks, parks and recreation facilities and greenway improvements.

Voters approved a total of $25.1 million in town spending; the remainder of the cost of the projects is made up of matching state and federal grants.

“I am very pleased that all three bond issues passed with overwhelming support,” Mayor Vivian Jones said Wednesday. “We will now be able to work on amenities and services that our citizens want.”

She went on to say, “It was great that so many organizations invited us to come and give them information about the bonds. I believe this helped many more people be informed about what we are trying to do, and obviously most of them agreed that this was an appropriate path to take. As we stated throughout the process, we will be issuing the bonds on a measured path to eliminate any tax increase if at all possible. Thanks to everyone for your support!”

The support for the bond issues ranged from 70.46 percent for the street and sidewalk bonds to 65.58 and 65.6 percent for the parks and recreation facilities and greenway improvements, respectively.

The vote count was 7,398 voters said yes for streets and sidewalk improvements while 3,102 said no; 6,877 said yes to parks and recreation facilities and 3,609 said no; and 6,902 voted yes for greenway improvements while 3,619 voted no.

To see a list of all the projects in the three bond issues, go to the article about parks and greenways in the Oct. 15 issue of the Gazette.

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2 Responses

  1. I am so sorry but I misspelled my own name. It should be Richardson with only one o. Oops!!

  2. I am disabled and must use a rollator or transport wheelchair for mobility. I have sent comments to the E-Notifier and other town publications regarding greenways. I would like to know if you might could tell me where the entrances to some of the greenways are. I would like to know also why are there no greenways (to my knowledge) in the north and northwest areas of Wake Forest, except to the one at Olde Mill Stream. If you know any of the answers, I would appreciate hearing from you.
    I am a recent subscriber to The Wake Forest Gazette and I look forrward to each issue. I like the conciseness of your news and I especially enjoy your editorials.

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