Where are the candidates?

With only seven days left before the two-week filing period begins for a seat on the Wake Forest Town Board, there are only three announced candidates for three seats.
Current Commissioner Adam Wright announced early that he plans to run for a second term. B&W Hardware owner Joe Kimray announced two months ago after having to step down from chairman of the Wake Forest Planning Board because members can only serve two terms. Faith Cross, a registered nurse and new real estate agent, announced early in May. The two other current commissioners, Chad Sary and Jim Dyer, have not said whether they will seek second terms. There are no limits on how long commissioners and the mayor can serve in Wake Forest.
Candidates can begin filing at noon on July 7 at the Wake County Board of Elections office in Raleigh and the filing period ends at noon on July 21. Candidates have to pay a fee of $15 and begin the paperwork, which includes naming a campaign finance chairman. You can see all the requirements at Wakegov.com, Board of Elections.
The Gazette will provide short biographies of the candidates after the filing period ends.
Election Day is November 7. Before that the Gazette will interview all the candidates separately and then pose weekly questions of the candidates in the weeks running up to the election. If you have a question that you believe the editor might not ask, please send your suggestion to the editor, Carol W. Pelosi, at cwpelosi@aol.com.


15 Responses

  1. I would support Jim, I spent my career as Wake Forest’s Town Engineer and Jim called our office many times and sought earnest info on any development’s impact.

    1. Thanks for letting us know! Any chance you are willing to educate a citizen? Our engineering department is small. I have questions from 6 months ago that still have not been answered.

  2. I do not live within the city limits of WF so I only vote on Wake County business; however, if I were a voting citizen whom is concerned about development and the most recent passing of development, I may wish to think twice before electing someone who has been on the town planning board as they are the ones whom are responsible for approving development. But I choose to live outside the city limits for a reason, so what do I know about development. šŸ˜‰

    1. Your assertion is incorrect. The planning board does not approve development. They only make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.
      There have been many times in the past where the Board of Commissioners voted opposite of what the Planning Board recommended.
      I always find it interesting when people who live outside of town to avoid paying town taxes get mad because they don’t get to vote for Board of Commissioner members.
      That would be like me living in NC and being mad because I can’t vote for Virginia’s governor because we are right next to their state.

  3. ” There are no term limits on how long commissioners and mayor can serve in Wake Forest” No wonder we are in such a mess. They rubber stamp everything on the basis that the Town needs tax revenue. We just had power outages and surges. What happens when all the power goes on in all the new units by the hundreds? Town is keeping up with Police, Fire and EMS. Just saw article on new hires. But what about roads, power grid and water???

    1. The roads are completely controlled by DOT and have nothing to do with the town nor its commissioners, a frequent misconception of most WF town voters. Commissioners have zero control when it comes to roads. As for development, you need to look to the town planning board as they are the ones who approve or disapprove development. I urge you and other voters to look at the town website to determine where ā€œblameā€ should be placed when it comes to these frequent comments. Also, one should note that other than Mayor Jones, no sitting town commissioner has been a a town commissioner longer than their current first term (under 3 years). Again, I urge all town residents (even the non-voting ones) to do their due diligence and learn about our town and how/whom runs it particularly when it comes to placing blame or directing fault and especially before they make public comments or remarks about town business.

      1. The planning board does not approve development. They only make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.
        Perhaps YOU should do your due diligence before offering advice to others?

  4. Jim Thompson has announced that he is seeking to return to the Board of Commissioners. I look forward to asking all the candidates about their plans for the towns hopefully stopping growth.

    1. I would support Jim, I spent my career as Wake Forest’s Town Engineer and Jim called our office many times and sought earnest info on any development’s impact.

  5. Sup Carol? U goinā€™ 2 let fun size get 1 up on u? Bow tie boy b back 4 mo action. Gurl u know he goin 2 try 2 go after yo gurl Queen Bee herself again. Da ainā€™t nuff elves n dis town 2 get evil Santa or nuff mates to vote da captain back n. Day can put dar back n 2 it but day ainā€™t gettin back n. Peace out suckers āœŒļø?

    1. Amy, if that is your name, please understand that I am not going to approve your posts if you persist in writing in this garbled fashion. I will approve plain English. I cannot decipher what you post now.

  6. Only Adam Wright should be re-elected or should even run. Those other 2 have ruined this town.

    1. Hi Bridget,
      We are relative newcomers to Wake Forest (2years) and we have no insight into the current Town Boardā€™s performance. So, I was wondering if you would provide any examples or your statement. We always vote in local elections and it would help us know who to vote for.
      Thank you,
      Bob & Patty Miglarese

      1. I think what Bridget is referring to is the fact that Commissioner Wright tends to be more in tune with what the citizens at large desire. Commissioner Dyer & Sary tend to vote in favor of developers with rezoning cases that the citizens at large are against. This week Commissioner Wright voted against 3 rezoning proposals where all 3 consisted of apartments. Commissioner Dyer & Commissioner Sary voted in favor of all 3 rezonings.

        One proposal consisted of reducing the amount of commercial from 177k sqft to 8k-10k sqft. They claimed that the intersection could not support the amount of traffic the commercial would have brought in. My issue with their claim is the developer ran a TIA for the apartments & not the commercial. The area the proposal was going is a retail desert. Residents in that area end up shopping from retail stores located in Raleigh. We lose out on a lot of sales tax on that side of town. This was the 2nd time both of them voted in favor of giving up commercial-zoned parcels for residential. Wake Forest is running out of places to put commercial. Even if they were both right and the intersection could not support the amount of traffic there are nearby parcels that are deeded to the town of wake forest. I believe these parcels could have been exploreded to have come up with a different traffic pattern. I attempted to get further clarification from one commissioner and they respoke the exact words they had written down & read at the hearing. Whenever commissioners read from a paper while giving an explanation for their vote it doesn’t look good.

        Please know that despite what a previous poster wrote both are good men. I honestly believe that in their heart they think they are doing the right thing. Commissioner Sary’s greatest strength is his knowledge of the technical aspects of proposals. His weakness is his availability. He is unable to interact with the public. We never see him at any town functions, and he travels a lot for his job. As for Commissioner Dyer I just encourage people who are close to him to try to talk him out of running again. I believe his calling is for playing Santa, & minister to people.