
September 7, 2024

Short board agenda Tuesday

There will probably be additions or changes to the agenda by the time Tuesday, Sept. 16, arrives, but the draft agenda – the only one available – is short without any controversial items.

The only public hearing is for a request for contiguous annexation of 30 acres along Rogers Road filed by Iris Stoutt, and it will most likely be continued again because it is tied to approval of the a residential project, The Courtyard at Heritage Grove. The developer wants a rezoning to UR (Urban Residential) conditional zoning where a variety of housing is permitted.

There are two pending petitions for annexation. One is for the two acres on Wait Avenue owned by Gould Property Group which recently received approval to develop the land as part of Bowling Green subdivision.

The other was submitted by WSR HV (Wheelock Street Residential Holding Village) and ALF (American Land Fund) Holding Village for 97 acres on South Franklin Street and Forestville Road, the first phase of a much larger development. The master plan calls for 374 townhouses and single-family houses in this phase. Graders, tractors and trucks are already reshaping the land there, and the large pond has been drained to allow the developer to rebuild the dam. (This was required by the state.) A press release about the start of this large project is anticipated soon.

Both annexations are listed in the consent agenda, where items are approved by a single vote. The other items on the consent agenda are a resolution backing a possible grant of $85,000 for motorcycles through the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, an amendment to town ordinances to establish a Wake Forest Technology Advisory Board, and an amendment to prohibit parking on both sides of One World Way from Burlington Mills Road to Unicon Drive.

The commissioners must also appoint a voting delegate to the N.C. League of Municipalities annual conference, and they will consider a new contract with Triangle Transit for express bus service from town to Raleigh.

They will also consider and probably approve right-of-ways and easements for the state’s replacement of the Oak Avenue bridge over Richland Creek.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the second-floor meeting room in Wake Forest Town Hall on Brooks Street.

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