
September 7, 2024

Get wet to help Sanford Creek

The Town of Wake Forest is seeking groups and individuals to assist with a ‘Late Summer Stream Project’ at Sanford Creek on Saturday, Aug. 16, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Volunteers are asked to assemble in the Golden Star Way cul-de-sac in Heritage South between 8:45 and 9 a.m. Participants should come prepared to help install coir logs at the edge of Sanford Creek, duck bill anchors and live stakes, and pick up trash.

Litter bags and grabberswill be provided. Volunteers should bring gloves and a hat, drinking water,a snack, insect repellant and sunscreen. In addition, wear sturdy boots and clothes that can get wet.

The Aug. 16 effort is an important part of the Smith Creek Watershed Restoration Project that involves studying the watershed for aquatic life, including benthos and bugs, in response to the 303d impaired waters determination in 2008. The initiative is designed to help re-introduce into the watershed several key aquatic species found above the Wake Forest Reservoir dam. Project coordinators plan to recount the bugs during the summer of 2015 to determine survivability rates. The 303d impaired waters of Smith Creek Watershed include Smith Creek, Austin Creek, Dunn Creek, Sanford Creek and Spring Branch.

The Sanford Creek Late Summer Stream Project is an excellent opportunity for students, scouts and members of service clubs to complete community service hours. For more information, contact Assistant Town Engineer Holly Miller at 919-795-2034 or hmiller@wakeforestnc.gov.


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