
September 7, 2024

Flags to wave for Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, the Wake Forest Memorial Post 8466 Veterans of Foreign Wars will conduct a remembrance ceremony at 11 a.m. at the Wake Forest Veterans Memorial next to the Heritage Golf Club. All veterans, their families and members of the public are invited to attend the ceremony, which will last about an hour.

There will be seating and protection from the weather.

Members of local veterans’ organizations will speak.

To reach the Veterans Memorial, take Rogers Road or the N.C. 98 bypass and turn onto Heritage Lake Road. Turn onto Heritage Club Avenue and the memorial will be on your right near the parking lot.

There are other activities for veterans and those interested in helping them over the weekend.

The veterans will be out in force on Saturday to decorate the graves of veterans in 15 cemeteries in Wake Forest, the area around the town and other towns. They will meet early Saturday morning, May 24, at the American Legion hall on East Holding Avenue to organize and receive the flags for the graves.

If you would like to help, call Frank Anderson at 919-671-4216 for information. Call him also if you do not find a flag on the grave of a veteran you know.

Also, on Saturday and Sunday, May 24 and 25, local veterans will be at the Walmart stores in Wake Forest and Louisburg offering “Buddy Poppies” to shoppers. The sale of the poppies will assist disable veterans during their recovery and rehabilitation.

The Buddy Poppy is similar to the poppies worn in remembrance of the sacrifices made by so many during World War I.

Again, call Frank Anderson at 919-671-4216 if you would like to help or donate.


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