53 new street trees planted; 150 to go

Last Thursday and Friday, Jan. 25-26, Ford Companies, a contactor working on behalf of the Town of Wake Forest, planted 53 new street trees in Traditions Orchards, Groves at Traditions, and Traditions as part of an effort to install at least 200 new trees a year.

The tree species to be planted between sidewalks and curbs will include Nutall Oak, Willow Oak, Single Stem River Birch, Tulip Poplar, Bald Cypress, and Sweetgum. These species were selected for their hardiness and drought tolerance, as well as for the soils and conditions in the neighborhoods.

The Town will provide maintenance throughout the life of the trees as it does for all street trees which are located within the public street right of way or within a street tree easement, measuring eight feet inside private property.

The street right-of-way is typically measured from the back of sidewalk, to back of sidewalk (or if there are no sidewalks, property line to property line) perpendicular across the street. Trees planted between the curb and sidewalk, or between the curb and property line, are considered within the public right-of-way. Trees planted in a street tree easement are often planted within the eight-foot zone outside the right-of-way or eight feet within the homeowner’s property line.

The Town was granted the street tree easements for the express purpose of tree maintenance and care.

Wake Forest has been a Tree City USA every year since 1979 and has received the Growth Award every year since 2000. To be recognized as a Tree City USA – a town or city must meet four standards: Standard 1: A Tree Board or Department; Standard 2: A Community Tree Ordinance; Standard 3: A Community Forestry Program with an Annual Budget of at least $2 per capita; and Standard 4: An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation.

The Tree City USA Growth Award recognizes eligible communities for innovative programs and projects that demonstrate a higher level of tree care and increased commitment of resources for urban forestry programs. For more information, contact Urban Forestry Program Manager Luke Devores at 919-435-9565 or ldevores@wakeforestnc.gov.



One Response

  1. They were planting in Traditions last week. Very sturdy trees
    that are being staked for even growth. Thanks for keeping a
    promise!! Will enjoy watching them grow.