These are your town board candidates
Five men and one woman filed in July as candidates for three seats on the Wake Forest Town Board: Thomas Ballman, Ben Clapsaddle, Faith Cross, Joe Kimray, Jim Thompson and Adam Wright. Wright, an incumbent, is seeking a second term. The two other current commissioners, Jim Dyer and Chad Sary, did not file, choosing to leave after a single term each. Election Day is November 7. Between now and then you will see signs all over town, see the candidates if they walk streets and knock on doors, and hear from them in the forum sponsored by the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Wake Forest on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre. There is early voting for the Wake Forest election, but it will be at three sites only: The Wake County Board of Elections office