Some peeks at the past
June 18, 2003: Water/sewer increases delayed Tuesday night Wake Forest’s commissioners pared a penny and gave the fire department 1 cent of the 2 cents it had requested, raising the town’s property tax rate from 52 cents to 53 cents. Citing public safety needs, the board members said the additional $110,000 on the fire contract should be used for personnel, in particular full-time staffing of Station 2 on Ligon Mill Road. There is a paid staff at Station 2 on weekdays, but after 6 p.m. during the week and on weekends it is staffed with on-call volunteers. Fire and first-responder calls are sent to Station 1 on East Elm Avenue, which has round-the-clock paid staffing, although the volunteers also respond. “I’m very appreciative of what they did with the penny,” Fire Chief Jimmy Keith said Wednesday. “Everybody saw the need.” He vowed he would return to ask for the second