Threat real; adding to panic hinders police

“Rest assured, we are doing all we can with the information we have,” Wake Forest Police Chief Jeff Leonard said to parents and concerned area residents during a press conference Tuesday afternoon. Leonard and his officers are pressing the investigation of at least three incidents when two men, described as white males in their late teens or early 20s, in a gray or silver work van or SUV approached children in town subdivisions. In each case the children did the right thing, Lt. Brian Mote said: ran away, told their parents and their parents called the Wake Forest Police Department. The driver has been reported as wearing a green or red baseball cap while the passenger was said to have a short Mohawk-style haircut and possibly a nose ring. None of the children were harmed. Leonard, the father of two young children, said, “As the police chief I can tell

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Downsizing requested for Franklin project

Bolus heirs requesting rezoning for subdivision on Wait A year ago the Wake Forest Town Board by a four to one vote approved Marc Iafrate’s request to build 108 apartments on South Franklin Street just north of the N.C. 98 bypass (the Dr. Calvin Jones Highway). Next Tuesday, Iafrate will ask the town planning board and commissioners to allow him to change his plans so that he can build 61 townhouses, the Franklin Street Townhomes, in place of the apartments, reducing the estimated number of residents by about 130. The Wake Forest Planning Board will take up his request and will also hear a rezoning and master plan request by Michael G. and Thomas K. Bolus for a 49-lot subdivision to be called Lakestone on Wait Avenue. The Iafrate request will be an evidentiary quasi-judicial hearing with sworn testimony; the hearing for the rezoning for a conditional use district and

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Downtown concerns to be heard

The town’s Government Affairs Committee consisting of Mayor Vivian Jones and Commissioner Zachary Donahue (the Gazette was incorrect last week) will meet Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 4:30 p.m. in conference room 201 to take up the concerns voiced by downtown business owner Drew Bridges during the town board’s Jan. 20 meeting. Police Chief Jeff Leonard has been invited to take part. Like all other town meetings except those designated as closed sessions under state law this meeting is open to the public Bridges said his back door, which faces the railroad tracks, had been broken into once and later a second attempt had been made. In a different incident in the same time frame, a “tussle” on the sidewalk in front of his Storyteller’s Books Store resulted in one person being thrown through his display window. He also said there are always young adults in the gathering spot next door

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Brief Bits

So Google is coming to Raleigh and to Cary and other western Wake towns. That leaves Wake Forest, Knightdale, Wendell and Zebulon as the red-headed stepchildren. * * * * A tour of new and future subdivision sites over the weekend was instructive. Traditions, of course, is booming and like other ongoing subdivisions was not part of the tour. Instead, we navigated very carefully through the ruts and deep puddles in Copper Beech Lane to see that no dirt has been turned yet in the Tryon subdivision, which really needs access to sewer to proceed with development. Only about 100 of its 415 lots on its 131.5 acres can be served with City of Raleigh sewer through the adjacent Kings Glen subdivision. The developer has tried to purchase easements for a sewer line from the south side of Wait Avenue to serve the rest of the land, but two landowners

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2014 homes = 1,550 new residents

During 2014, the Wake Forest Inspections Department issued permits for 548 new homes where an estimated 1,550 new town residents are living or will soon be living. These figures are unofficial estimates based on the monthly report from the inspections department and calculated using Planning Department Director Chip Russell’s figure of 2.83 residents for each household. That is also the figure used by the U.S. Census. The numbers were broken out into 84 apartment units, 87 townhouse units and 377 single-family homes, all in a number of new and existing subdivisions. The Gazette will publish the official numbers when the 2014 Annual Development Report is issued by the planning department.

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Loveless named 2014 Crisis Officer

The Wake Forest Police Department recently named Det. Brian Loveless as the 2014 Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Officer of the Year. A specialized law enforcement program, the CIT is a partnership between 17 Wake County law enforcement agencies, Wake County Human Services and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. The initiative is designed to develop a more effective, compassionate and safer approach to interacting with people suffering from a mental illness or developmental disability crisis. The CIT provides 40 hours of specialized training to sworn law enforcement officers. The training helps officers identify individuals in a mental health crisis and utilize effective techniques to deescalate crisis situations. As a result, there are fewer incidents of incarceration of persons with mental illness for misdemeanor charges, and fewer injuries to both officers and individuals with mental illness. In Wake County, more than 500 officers have been certified. “Det. Loveless was selected due

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Final parks plan meeting is Feb. 5

In August 2014 the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department began the process of updating its master plan. As part of the process, the PRCR Department contracted with GreenPlay, LLC to inventory and assess the town’s existing facilities and program offerings to determine how they can be updated, expanded and improved to meet the community’s current and future needs. On Thursday, Feb. 5, at 6:30 p.m. the PRCR Department and GreenPlay will host a final public meeting to share their preliminary findings and gather additional data. The meeting will be held at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St. All area residents are invited to attend the session and offer their input. The Parks & Recreation Master Plan reflects the town’s vision of a vibrant community that responds to the needs and desires of its residents, friends, and visitors for fun, healthy, exciting and diverse

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Patriot’s Pen Award goes to Amy Xu

Amy Xu, an eighth-grade student at Franklin Academy Middle School, was recently awarded the VFW’s Patriot Pen Award for 2014-2015 for her 300- to 400-word patriotic essay. The award was presented by Commander Dennis Mecum of Wake Forest Memorial Post 8466 at the school. The essay is an annual contest sponsored by the VFW to foster an awareness in middle schools of our nation’s history and the part veterans play in advancing the American spirit. The theme this year was “Why I Appreciate America’s Veterans. Over 100 essays were submitted from area schools. In addition to winning the Post level competition, Amy also competed and was judged the best of all VFW Posts in the 7th District making up approximately 17 Posts. Ms Xu’s essay was forwarded to the Department of North Carolina where the merits of her essay will be judged among all of the seventeen District winners. At

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State of the Town Feb. 16

Mayor Vivian Jones will deliver her 2015 State of the Town address Monday, Feb. 16, at the seventh annual State of the Town dinner presented by the Wake Forest Rotary Club. The event will be held at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre on Brooks Street and will begin at 6 p.m. Jones will highlight the town’s accomplishments in 2014 and outline the town’s goals for 2015. All area residents are invited to attend. Tickets are $15 per person in advance and $20 on the day of the event and include a catered meal. Dress for the event is business casual. Tickets can be purchased online with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit card or at the Renaissance Centre Box Office with cash, check or credit card. A processing fee will be added to the cost of any ticket purchased with a credit card.

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Reverse Raffle happening March 20

The Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual Reverse Raffle will be held Friday, March 20, 2015, from 6 – 10 p.m. at The Renaissance Center, 405 S. Brooks Street in historic downtown Wake Forest. Tickets cost $125 each and admit two people to the drawing party. The last ticket to be drawn will win $10,000! This year’s event, sponsored by Focus Design Builders LLC, takes place during March Madness and will have a fun sports theme. Basketball games will be broadcast live on televisions provided by CenturyLink. Come dressed in your favorite team colors or jerseys, and enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres, drinks, a 50/50 raffle sponsored by KB Home, and live and silent auctions featuring vacation packages, spa services, and more. Tickets may be purchased at the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce, located at 350 S. White Street; by calling the Chamber at (919) 556-1519; or from any

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