RST ‘working feverishly’ on fiber network
“RST is going gangbusters,” Deputy Town Manager Roe O’Donnell said Monday. “Right now they are looking at adding additional crews, and today they are drilling around town hall.” RST, the Shelby-based firm that hopes to turn Wake Forest into the first fiber optic high-speed internet small town in North Carolina, is working on two fronts. Crews are boring underground for 14 miles to install conduit for the fiber optic cable – a “backbone” of conduit holding the cable will link Wake Forest with a facility in Raleigh. RST officials are still meeting with O’Donnell and other town officials, working on the details for the agreement with the town. “We told them our (electric power) pole attachment fees and asked they how much power their devices will pull.” RST did not know the answer, O’Donnell said. The town needs to know the answer to be able determine the fees. The underground