Work on Stadium Drive has begun

On Monday, March 5, crews for Fred Smith Company, the contractor chosen by the Town of Wake Forest to build the Stadium Drive Complete Street, began preliminary work, installing signs about the project, silt fences, tree protection fences and bringing in needed equipment.

Extending from Capital Boulevard to North Wingate Street, the construction will improve traffic flow along with vehicle and pedestrian safety. The rebuilt street will have three lanes with curb and gutter, left turn lanes at intersections and driveways, a 10-foot multiuse path on the south side, a 5-foot sidewalk on the north side, wide striped shoulders on both sides, a pedestrian refuge island, high visibility crosswalks and ramps and accessible transit stops. There will be a large roundabout where Stadium meets Wingate Street as well as resurfacing on North Avenue.

Town officials are coordinating with administrators at Wake Forest High School and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to help ensure safe access for pedestrians and motorists throughout the duration of the project.

Once construction begins, drivers who regularly commute along Stadium Drive should expect periodic delays until the project is completed. At various times, message boards, barricades, signage and flaggers will be used to route traffic through and around the construction zones. Motorists who travel through the area are urged to plan ahead and allow extra time or consider using an alternate route.

The total cost is about $7.3 million and the completion date is in 2020. The complete street project was part of a successful bond referendum in 2014.

For complete information, including project updates, visit

