
What is the history of St. Catherine’s?

How was a Catholic church organized in strongly Protestant Wake Forest where the first church building – Wake Union – housed four congregations which each had a Sunday each month? They were Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal and Presbyterian congregations.

And did you know the first Catholic church in town was only a railroad car?

Learn about the beginnings of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church at a program this Sunday, March 31, sponsored by the Wake Forest Historical Association. It will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Wake Forest Historical Museum at 414 North Main Street. There is no cost to attend and refreshments will be served after the program.

Members of the Bolus and Nassif families will share personal photographs and memories. You might learn about the Madonna of the Highways, a traveling church where priests could open the rear door to reveal an altar.

Sunday might be a good time to renew your membership in the historical association, only $10 for a year. You will receive advance invitations to interesting programs. The WFHA can only take cash or checks.

There is ample parking in the rear of the museum and along the streets in front and on each side.

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