WF ranked one of safest cities in NC

Safety is something most people look for when choosing where to live, and Wake Forest residents may be in one of the safest areas in North Carolina, according to a new study.

The Town of Wake Forest was recently named the 15th-safest city in the state by

The online background check portal gave each North Carolina city (with a population above 10,000) a score on its Safety Index, which combines FBI crime statistics and law enforcement employment numbers to calculate the safety of a given city. Twenty-four cities in the state, including Wake Forest, earned a 0.24 or above, indicating a high level of public safety well above the U.S. average.

With a population of nearly 45,000 gave Wake Forest a Safety Index score of 0.39. Pinehurst ranked first with a Safety Index of 0.6, followed by Archdale (0.58), Holly Springs (0.54), Mount Airy (0.54) and Elon (0.51).

To view the entire list, visit


