WF couple receiving Anthemion award

Cited for West Pine Avenue neighborhood revitalization

Pat Schell and Ellen Turco will be among ten Wake County winners of the 2014 Anthemion Awards during the presentation by Capital Area Preservation Monday, Sept. 15, at the Irregardless Café in Raleigh. The couple will be honored for their work to save and rehabilitate three houses on a short Wake Forest street.

“Since 1994, CAP’s Anthemion awards have recognized the best of the best in Wake County historic preservation,” Gary G. Roth, CAP president and CEO, said. “In good times and bad, it is a testament to the good economic value of historic preservation that so many individuals, corporations and municipal governments choose to rehabilitate and reuse historic properties rather than demolish and replace.”

Anthemion Awards recognize outstanding dedication and commitment to excellence in historic preservation in Wake County. The name “Anthemion” was inspired by a classical design element seen on many Wake County buildings, including the State Capitol dome in Raleigh.

If you wish to attend, tickets are required: advance tickets $20, at the door $25. Cocktails and hors d’oevres are available from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The award presentation begins at 6:15 p.m. Call or email CAP for ticket availability: 919-833-6404 or

The citation for the award says:

“The 200 block of West Pine Street contains four houses, all contributing to the Wake Forest National Register Historic District that date from the 1840s to 1920s. In 2002, Pat and Ellen purchased the house at 214 West Pine Avenue, a frame, two-story, triple-A, I-house.

The house had undergone many alterations, which Pat and Ellen sought to reverse, including removal of all of the interior trim and the installation of drop ceilings. The original tongue-and-groove ceilings and heart pine floors were restored and the house was fit with new historically appropriate trim and moldings. New bathrooms were built and the kitchen completely renovated. Rehabilitation complete, Pat and Ellen moved in just in time to welcome their first child in 2005 followed by a second in 2007. House saved.

Across the street from Pat and Ellen’s home were two houses at 211 and 215 West Pine Avenue. The one at 211 was built in the 1840s on an adjacent lot and had been moved to the middle of the block in the 1920s. In 2009, Pat and Ellen purchased the house and began rehabilitation. Working on it when they could, they converted this three-apartment building back to a single-family home. It was a full rehabilitation, using Rehabilitation Tax Credits, and completed in the spring of 2014. It is currently a single-family rental owned by Pat and Ellen. Second house saved.

While the couple was working on 211, the owner of 215 passed away. Pat and Ellen told everyone they could think of about the house and its potential, and Pat was able to pique the interest of one of his longtime friends. In 2013, Pat’s friend purchased the house and hired Pat to complete the rehabilitation. Again, the house needed a complete rehab. After one year, Pat and his team finished the rehabilitation using Rehabilitation Tax Credits. Third house saved.

Pat and Ellen have been wonderful stewards of not only their own home, but the whole block. Thanks to the vision and commitment of Pat Schell and Ellen Turco, the 200 block of West Pine Avenue has a new life and future as a contributing part of the Wake Forest National Register Historic District.

The Board of Directors of Capital Area Preservation, Inc. is pleased to present a 2014 Anthemion Award to Pat Schell and Ellen Turco for the Neighborhood Rehabilitation of the 200 Block of West Pine Street, Wake Forest.”

(Editor’s note: The fourth house on the block has remained in one ownership for 40-plus years and is well maintained.)
