The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) served a luncheon for veterans of all wars on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at the American Legion hall on East Holding Avenue to celebrate the anniversary of the organization’s founding.
The event presented an opportunity for the Walter E. Cole Memorial Post 187 to award 50th Commemoration pins to attending Vietnam-era Veterans. The Commemorative Pins are part of the Department of Defense’s ongoing plan to honor the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War that deeply divided the nation. The American Legion Post 187 is a DoD sponsor.
The anniversary period started in 2015 and extends thru 2025. The ten-year period coincides with the period from 1965 to 1975 the nation was involved in the Southeastern Asia conflict that sought to maintain the freedom of Vietnamese people. Along with the award of the Commemorative Pin each Vietnam veteran receives the gratitude of a grateful nation thanking them for their service to the nation.