
Vacancy on Cultural Resources Board

There is a vacancy on the Cultural Resources Advisory Board, and all residents of Wake Forest and its extraterritorial jurisdiction are eligible to apply.

The online application is available on the town’s website at www.wakeforestnc.gov/advisory-board-application.aspx<http://www.wakeforestnc.gov/advisory-board-application.aspx>. Anyone without computer access is invited to complete the application by using the computer kiosks in the lobby of Wake Forest Town Hall at 301 South Brooks Street. Hard copies are also available upon request by contacting Executive Assistant Cathi Pope at 919-435-9467 or cpope@wakeforestnc.gov<mailto:cpope@wakeforestnc.gov>.

Completed applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. Monday, March 4.

Applicants are expected to attend the next scheduled meeting of the Cultural Resources Board on Monday, March 4, to introduce themselves and discuss why they wish to serve. The board will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Wake Forest Renaissance Centre Arts Annex at 407 South Brooks Street.

After the interviews on March 4, the board members will review its slate of candidates before submitting its recommendation to the town board. The town board will announce the new appointment during its regular meeting on Tuesday, March 19.

The selected applicant will fill the vacated seat and his or her term will commence immediately.

The town’s advisory boards were established to give citizens input into what happens in the community and to advise the board of commissioners on matters that affect citizens and their town government. For more information, contact Executive Assistant Cathi Pope at 919-435-9467 or cpope@wakeforestnc.gov<mailto:cpope@wakeforestnc.gov>.


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