
Tri-Area Ministry serving 1,100 families, 2,500 people

It has seen a 24% increase since last June

Tri-Area President Michael Berger reported this week that the nonprofit wholly volunteer food bank has seen a marked increase in need based on the number of area families seeking food help.

“In 2021, we served 11,578 families.  That’s an increase of 10% over 2020, and 30% more than in 2019.   At our current run rate, we’re serving 1,100 families per month, approximately 2,500 individuals, which is a 24% increase in run rate from June, 2021.  We saw a big jump in clients mid-year, likely in conjunction with the expiration of COVID-related relief funds. 60% of our clients live in Wake Forest, Rolesville and Youngsville.

“Tri-Area Ministry Food Pantry doesn’t receive any Federal or State funding.  We depend upon the generosity of our community – faith-based groups, businesses and individual donor for 100% of the funds that we use to purchase fresh food and to supplement non-perishables which are donated.   We are a 100% volunteer organization, so 100% of donations go directly towards acquisition and distribution of food.”

To donate money or to learn how to donate food, go to Tri-AreaMinistry.com.

According to NC Assoc. of Feeding America Food Banks (ncfoodbanks.org)

  1. NC is in the TOP 10 for the highest percentage of HUNGRY citizens
  2. 1 in 4 children in NC are “food insecure” (hungry).
  3. The average Food Assistance (Food Stamps) provided is $4.40 per person per day – so family of 4 gets $123 a week and a single person gets $31/week.
  4. 81% of NC households receiving food stamps don’t know where or when their next meal is coming.
  5. 22% of NC citizens on food stamps have at least one family member who has served in the Military.
  6. 3 of 4 teachers in Wake County report that they have hungry children in their classroom at least weekly.
  7. 36% of NC food pantries have been forced to close at some point due to lack of food.


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