Tree care class ends Lawn & Landscape series

The Town of Wake Forest is introducing a new educational series for residents interested in learning about lawn care, landscaping, plants and trees. The new Lawn & Landscape Series is comprised of Lawn Care 101 workshops offered by the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department and Tree Talk seminars hosted by the Urban Forestry Board. The first two workshops have been held.

The 2019 Lawn & Landscape Series concludes Thursday, Oct. 24, with Proper Tree Care. Led by Urban Forester Luke Devores, this free class will offer useful tips on proper planting techniques, tree identification, pruning, fertilization and more. The session is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Ground Floor Meeting Room of the Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St. The room is most easily accessed via the facility’s Taylor Street entrance. The class is free, but space is limited, so registration is required.

To register, go to, fill out the form and click to register.

For more information on the Lawn & Landscape Series, contact Urban Forestry Coordinator Luke Devores or Park Maintenance Superintendent Josh Glover.

