
Transportation Plan aired May 16

The Town of Wake Forest will host a Comprehensive Transportation Plan public information meeting on Thursday, May 16, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 South Brooks Street.

The meeting will have an informal, open house-style format, so there will not be a formal presentation. Attendees may arrive any time between 4 and 7 p.m. to share comments and ask questions.

During the session, organizers will review ideas and opinions shared during the first CTP public meeting on topics such as safety, intersections, roadway congestion, technology, driving, walking, biking and transit.

Light refreshments, along with soft drinks and water, will be available.

Community input is the cornerstone of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan, which will address all modes of transportation, including driving, walking, biking and transit. For more information, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Comprehensive Transportation Plan” or contact Transportation Planning Manager Suzette Morales at 919-435-9510 or smorales@wakeforestnc.gov<mailto:smorales@wakeforestnc.gov>.


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