The Town of Wake Forest is pleased to announce the launch of its redesigned website at The new website aligns with Goal 2 of the town’s strategic plan aimed at enhancing a connected community.
The town’s new site offers a more functional and responsive design, which means the site is resizable for any screen, including any mobile device for mobile web users. The citizen-friendly site is American Disability Act compliant and features a prominent, modern search engine component designed to make it easier for anyone seeking information about the Town of Wake Forest.
The site also offers improved navigation menus, friendly URLs, embedded photo galleries and videos, social media integration, online forms and payment ability, interactive maps featuring dining options and places of worship, mobile phone/tablet accessibility, and printer-friendly pages.
One of the new website’s signature features is the “Contact Us” button. The navigation button – one of four prominently located service buttons on the town’s homepage – links to the “Report a Problem” page which allows citizens to report non-emergency issues to town staff via SeeClickFix. The page offers a menu of common conditions to select from, and allows the user to upload pictures or videos to accompany a non-emergency service request, such as street maintenance, broken street lights, overgrown lots and others. Citizens may also track their reported concerns through completion, as well as view issues submitted by others.
The town’s new website was also built to accommodate a new and improved Community Calendar offering one source for area residents to learn about local events sponsored by the town, as well as non-profit groups and organizations.
The homepage also features Wake Forest TV 10 productions, including video news stories and programs produced by the town’s Communications Department and aired on Wake Forest TV 10. Other pages throughout the site are designed to share community information such as things to do in the area and information about other citizen interests.
In 2005, Wake Forest began partnering with VC3 to build and host its website. VC3 has over 20 years of experience and focuses on municipal and county governments. The last town website upgrade took place in 2011.
Citizen and staff feedback were an important part of the entire process of building the new site, as area residents and town staff were invited to provide feedback via an online survey prior to the creation of the new site. The new website is a work-in-progress that will continue to be updated to provide citizens with information in an easy-to-find and accessible format.
The Town of Wake Forest always welcomes feedback about its programs and services. If you have a comment or suggestion about the new website, simply fill out the “Contact Us” form online at