
Town wants to educate residents about trash, recycling

The Town of Wake Forest is stepping up its efforts to educate sanitation customers about trash and recycling collection guidelines. Over the next several weeks, the own will use an array of communications methods, including social media, email and direct mail, to inform residents concerning sanitation do’s and don’ts.

The community outreach effort will precede a new initiative targeting sanitation collection violators. Starting Aug. 1, town and Republic Services crews will begin tagging residents that violate collection guidelines. Residents may receive a “Non-Collection Notice” tag for a variety of reasons, including several common violations:

*  Trash and/or recycling carts that are overfull, too close to another cart or blocked

*  Trash and/or recycling placed in the wrong cart or improper container

*  Trash and/or recycling carts that contain hazardous materials, soil, concrete or brick

*  Bulk trash that includes cardboard that needs to be broken down

*  Items that must be scheduled for bulk collection

*  Electronics that are not eligible for curbside pickup

*  Yard waste that exceeds four cubic yards permitted per household

*  Yard waste left behind by a contractor

*  Limbs, leaves and trash that must be separated

*  Leaves containing soil, rocks, limbs, concrete or brick

The first time a resident violates any of these or other collection guidelines, crews will leave a violation notice but collect the materials placed at the curb. However, for each future violation, the resident will receive a non-collection notice that identifies the issue, but their materials will not be collected. For more information, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “non-collection notice.”

Residents are also reminded that starting June 1, recycling rollout carts that contain plastic bags or wrap will not be serviced and instead will be tagged with a non-collection notice.

Complete information about Town sanitation guidelines is available in the “Resident’s Guide to Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste Pickup.” To view the booklet online, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Resident’s Guide to Trash.”

The Waste Wizard is also a useful resource that helps residents know which disposable household materials can be recycled and which ones should be thrown away. Available on the Town’s website at www.wakeforestnc.gov/public-works/sanitation/waste-wizard<http://www.wakeforestnc.gov/public-works/sanitation/waste-wizard>, the “Waste Wizard” is an interactive tool that allows users to type in key words related to disposable household materials and receive valuable disposal tips. From aluminum cans and phone books to popcorn bags and plastic bags, the search tool helps residents effectively sort their recyclables from their trash. The Waste Wizard also allows users to sign up for waste collection reminders and download collection schedules.

As a bonus, the Waste Wizard is provided as a function on the Town of Wake Forest app. For more information or to download the Town’s app, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Town App.”

For more information, email Assistant Public Works Director Allison Snyder at asnyder@wakeforestnc.gov<mailto:asnyder@wakeforestnc.gov>.

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2 Responses

  1. Recycled goods placed in CLEAR RECYCLING plastic kitchen sized bags, tied and then placed in the carts…will that be collected? It’s not clear to me if you are just referring to all other small plastic bags such as those from grocery stores.

    1. Thank you for asking. The messaging from the Town refers to all types and sizes of plastic bags and film regardless of the color. Please place recycling loose and free into your recycling cart. The Town is always willing to answer recycling related questions by calling 919-435-9570 and also provides a recycling database as part of our Waste Wizard (https://www.wakeforestnc.gov/public-works/sanitation/waste-wizard) application online.

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