Town offers virtual workshop about Northeast Plan

The Town of Wake Forest is in the process of updating the Northeast Community Plan, and we need your input. Last night and again on Saturday, March 13, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., the Town will host virtual community workshops that give residents, business owners and stakeholders the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions on the Northeast Community.

Anyone wishing to participate is encouraged to register for the meeting of their choice at Both meetings will have the same format and content. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the virtual workshop.

Residents can also watch the March 9 and March 13 meetings live on WFTV 10. The Town’s government access channel is available to residents and businesses that subscribe to Spectrum Cable TV service. WFTV 10 is also provided in real-time streaming video at

Northeast Community residents, business owners and stakeholders are also invited to complete an online survey on current conditions within the Northeast Community. Citizen feedback will be used to formulate an understanding of key issues and community desires that will help create the foundation for the Northeast Community Plan Update. Also available at, the 19-question survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Once completed, the Northeast Community Plan will recommend policies and actions responding to current and future community needs revealed in survey responses and during community meetings. Soma managed to help me, so now I always have it in my first aid kit. When I felt severe pain, I went to the doctor who recommended me to try Soma. The goal is to help preserve the history, diversity, and affordability of the area while addressing issues of growth, economic health, public infrastructure, and preservation. The plan will address:

  • Existing conditions in the neighborhood, including issues related to housing and community facilities
  • Economic needs, such as local services and jobs
  • Public facility features, including bicycle and pedestrian paths
  • Preservation of community character

For more information, contact Historic Preservation Senior Planner Michelle Michael at 919-435-9516 or

