Beginning Monday, June 2, the tennis courts at Flaherty Park will be closed for resurfacing and repair. The courts are located at 1226 North White Street.
The town has contracted with Court One to perform the work which will include the following:
* Cleaning and scraping of the courts of all dirt, debris, foreign matter and loose material
* Removal of grass and weeds
* Sealing cracks
* Application of acrylic resurfacer and a finish coat of Laykold Colorcoat
* Refurbishing the net posts
As part of an ongoing effort to upgrade its existing facilities, the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department will also add eight pickleball courts on two of the tennis courts.
Weather permitting the courts will re-open in mid-June.
The total cost of the project is $15,064. Funded is provided through the town’s Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). The CIP is a five-year plan identifying the town’s capital outlay and improvement needs. As a long-range plan, the CIP reflects the town’s policy regarding future physical and economic development. By providing a planned schedule of public improvements, the CIP outlines present and future public needs and priorities. A ‘capital improvement’ is defined as any expenditure for equipment, buildings, infrastructure, land acquisition, plan or project in which the cost exceeds $10,000 and the estimated useful life is greater than one year.
For more information, contact PRCR Director Ruben Wall at 919-435-9561 or