Still time for bridge comments

If you could not attend the public meeting Tuesday, March 14, about the North Carolina Department of Transportation plan to replace the bridge over Smith Creek on Ligon Mill Road, your opinion and comments can still be heard.

Before March 29 you can call, email or write to Transportation Planning Manager Daryl Vreeland with the Town of Wake Forest at 919-435-9512,, 301 Brooks Street, Wake Forest, NC 27587.

The existing Ligon Mill Road Bridge is considered structurally deficient and functionally obsolete, which means it is safe, but deteriorating and needs to be replaced.

NCDOT plans to construct a new bridge that meets current design standards on a new location east of the existing bridge. Intended to provide safer and more efficient traffic operations, the proposed bridge will also accommodate a future greenway along Smith Creek.

DOT plans to maintain traffic on the existing bridge throughout construction, so no long-term road closures will be required. The project is scheduled to begin in 2019.

