
Seven people want town board seats

Now it is official: Seven people will be on the Nov. 5 ballot seeking a seat on the Wake Forest Town Board, and the seven are Greg Bartholomew, Jim Dyer, Heather Holding, Chad Sary, Anne Reeve, Sean Sullivan and Adam Wright. Reeve and Sullivan filed on July 18 and their short biographies are included in this article.

There are three seats on the five-person town board that will be open in November. Reeve is seeking a fourth term; Commissioners Greg Harrington and Brian Pate have decided not to seek another term.

Wake Forest town elections are nonpartisan and the three candidates with the most votes on Nov. 5 will be elected. Commissioners serve four year terms. Three commissioners will be elected this year, and in 2021 town voters will elect a mayor and two commissioners. Commissioners are paid an $8,000 salary.

In a statement to the Gazette, Reeve said, “It has been a great honor to serve the citizens of Wake Forest as a Town Commissioner. We have a wonderful community of involved citizens. The strength that brings is amazing. The Advisory Boards bring forth great ideas on how to improve our Town. One of the best parts of being a Commissioner is being able to be out and about in the community and working with our citizens.

“Wake Forest has a strong economy. We haven’t raised taxes in several years. The Town Staff understands how important this is to the success of the Town. We have many new opportunities to enhance and grow our Town. Even when some people don’t always understand why things are done, they can rest assured, in the long run, no decisions are made in haste and with careful thought.

“If re-elected this year, I will continue to do everything I can to make Wake Forest the best Town that is possible.

“Wake Forest’s long history brings a heart that can’t be surpassed. It is the –Past, Present and Future.”

Sullivan could not be reached at the telephone number listed on his filing and the answering machine was full. The Gazette will try again this week to reach him.

The Gazette plans to interview all the candidates, providing background biographies and experience, and then pose a question a week to the candidates. If a reader would like a question answered or has an issue that ought to be explored, please send it to the editor at cwpelosi@aol.com.

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