Senior center this week

You can refresh your driving skills with AARP’s Smart Driver Safety Course that will be held Monday, Oct. 21, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Northern Regional Center on East Holding Avenue.

It is a classroom course, and the cost is $15 for AARP members, $20 for nonmembers. Registration is required; Call the Northern Wake Senior Center at 919-554-4111.

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Thursday, Nov. 7, the center will mark the day with its annual Veterans Celebration and the senior center’s anniversary. You are encouraged to sign up early.

The Northern Wake Senior Center Quilting Group has made a beautiful queen-sized quilt that will be raffled off at the Nov. 7 celebration. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. Stop by the senior center to purchase tickets or check with our instructors. You do not need to be present to win.

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All Senior Center members receive a detailed calendar of events from Resources for Seniors. Check for changes in the schedules.

During the renovation/rebuilding of the Northern Wake Senior Center, activities are spread across Wake Forest in public buildings and churches. The office is in The Lodge of Wake Forest on South Main Street.

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The renovations at the Northern Wake Senior Center at 235 East Holding Avenue in Wake Forest should be complete within the next few weeks. It will take a few more weeks for staff to move in. Meanwhile the senior center office is on the second floor of The Lodge at Wake Forest, 1151 South Main Street.

The center is owned by the Town of Wake Forest with programming and staffing provide by Resources for Seniors. Most programs are free for all. The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; the phone is 919-554-4111; the website with full information, including the full calendar, about the senior center and Resources for Seniors is available on computers, smart phones and tablets at and

