Sell and shop at the Wake Forest Bazaar

If you like yard sales and swap meets, plan now to shop or sell at the Wake Forest Bazaar when it opens for the first time on Saturday, May 10, at Festival Park on South White Street. The hours will be 8 a.m. to noon, and plans are to hold it every second and fourth Saturday through the summer.

Beth Jarvah with The Cotton Company laid out the format and rules recently.

“Anyone can rent a booth space and sell whatever they want. Crafters, antiques, yard sale – anything.

“There will be an onsite staff member on hand to sell walk-in spaces and to rent tables. The basic fee is just an empty plot in the field and you bring your own everything, tables chairs, etc., unless you want to rent them from us.

“All sales are to be handled by the individual seller in a yard-sale type of set up. There are no commissions and there is no tech help or sales interference.

“The load-in time frame is 6 a.m., all sales should begin by 8 a.m. and everything is done at noon. Lots must be clear by 1 p.m. and any rented tables must be returned by that time.

“The rental fees should be paid here at The Cotton Company by 12 noon the Friday prior to the bazaar.  After that time all rentals will be treated as “walk in” and be charged the higher fee.

“We’re expecting this to be like a community yard sale with different vendors every week – not like the standard farmers market set-up where it’s a consistent group of sellers. The event is open to the public for buying and selling and as the weeks go on we’ll be building a marketing budget from the vendor fees.

“Any food vendors are responsible for their own permits from the health department or whatever for the “approved” sale of whatever food product it is, if that applies. At this time we have no access to restroom facilities for buyers or sellers.”

Go to the Facebook page, to see the fee schedule.
