
September 7, 2024

Safe Sale a year old

The Wake Forest Police Department recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of Operation Safe Sale.

Introduced in May 2015, Operation Safe Sale encourages Wake Forest residents who are selling or purchasing items advertised online to come to the police department at 225 South Taylor Street to complete their transaction. Transactions may be made in the police department parking lot or inside the lobby, either with or without an officer present.

At the request of either party, a police officer will be available to check the serial number to determine whether the item has been entered through state or national databases as stolen property.

Since the program’s inception area residents have requested a police presence on 17 occasions. Anyone wishing to have an officer present is required to schedule an appointment by calling 919-554-6150.

The Wake Forest Police Department does not make any representations or warranties regarding the goods or services transferred between parties. Any item found entered as stolen through a state or national database will be subject to seizure and criminal charges may result.

Operation Safe Sale aligns with Goal 2 of the Wake Forest Strategic Plan: Enhance and Promote a Safe and Connected Community and Objective F: Enhance the sense of safety in the town.


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