
September 7, 2024

RLT offering theater classes

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre for the Arts is partnering with the Raleigh Little Theatre to offer a variety of youth and adult theater arts classes from September through December.

Designed to excite and develop the artistic vision and creative talents of both the young and young at heart, these courses will spark the imagination and inspire a lifelong connection to theater.

Each class will be taught by an accomplished theater instructor in a safe, nurturing environment that encourages exploration of process and self-expression. Class offerings cover a range of theater arts training, and class sizes are limited to allow for attention to individual interests and skill development.

“We are extremely excited to bring our award-winning theatre program to the Renaissance Center and share the joy and value of theatre with young people and adults in Wake Forest,” said Linda O’Day-Young, Raleigh Little Theatre’s Youth Theatre and Education Director. “Theatre training extends well beyond the stage. The skills learned affect our everyday lives in a very positive way.”

As part of its Youth Education Program, Raleigh Little Theater (RLT) will offer sessions from Sept. 12 – Oct. 24 and Oct. 31 – Dec. 19 of the following youth classes: Creative Drama, Play On! and Acting Out.

Designed for children ages 6 and 7, Creative Drama will encourage students to explore those skills needed to bring a story to life, including concentration, movement, pantomime, vocal projection, dialogue and characterization. These classes will be offered on Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and are limited to 18 students. The cost is $90 per session.

Offered Sept. 12-Oct. 24, Creative Drama Session I is entitled “Stories Alive!” Students will have fun and learn basic acting skills as they bring their favorite stories to life through drama. “Fables, Folktales & Legends” is the theme for Session II being offered Oct. 31-Dec. 19. Students will act out important life lessons taught in delightful Native American, African, Russian folktales and in stories from lands near and far.

Play On! is geared to children ages 8 and 9. Students will continue to explore story dramatization but with more emphasis on group work and improvisation. These classes will be offered on Saturdays from 10:45 a.m. to noon and are also limited to 18 students. The cost is $95 per session.

The theme for Play On! Session I is “Story Theatre” offered Sept. 12-Oct. 24. Become a monkey, a roller coaster, a pirate, a volcano or even a T-Rex. The possibilities are endless in the exciting art of story theatre where actors become the people, the animals and even the objects in a variety of stories. Offered Oct. 31-Dec. 19, Play On! Session II’s theme will be “Character Safari.” Students will explore settings such as the fairy tale, action adventure movies, the science fiction novel, the TV sitcom, and even the refrigerator to discover exciting character and original story possibilities.

Finally, Acting Out is designed for kids ages 10, 11 and 12. Students are introduced to basic acting skills and vocal training through the development of believable characters in improvised or scripted scenes. No previous experience necessary. These classes will be offered on Saturdays from 12:30-2 p.m. and are limited to 18 students. The cost is $110 per session.

The theme for Acting Out Session I is “Act Fast! Improv” offered Sept. 12-Oct. 24. Learning to think fast is a great life skill. Students will participate in fun improvisation games and exercises designed to promote group problem-solving, build self-confidence and encourage spontaneity. Acting Out Session II will be “Young Actors Studio” offered Oct. 31-Dec. 19. Through the use of theatre exercises, improvisation and scripted  material, students will learn basic acting skills and techniques they need to know in order to audition effectively , develop believable characters and act for the stage.

Raleigh Little Theatre will also present two adult acting classes designed to take students through the process of preparing for the stage. Designed for anyone 18 years and older, the adult theatre classes offer the same commitment to excellence found in the Youth Education Program where the goal is to provide high quality theatre arts training in a safe nurturing environment.

RLT will offer Beginning Actors Studio on Tuesdays from Sept. 15 through Oct. 20 from 7 to 9 p.m. This class is designed to get the beginning actor started by learning basic acting skills and participating in confidence building improvisation. In a non-threatening and supportive environment, students will use group theatre exercises to explore the actor’s tools: the body, the voice, concentration, imagination and observation. Students are asked to wear comfortable clothing allowing for freedom of movement and closed toe shoes. The class is limited to 12 students and the cost is $120.00.

RLT will also offer Scene Study for both beginning and intermediate students who wish to learn and sharpen basic acting skills and explore character development and memorization techniques through scene study. The class will be offered on Tuesdays from Oct. 27 through Dec. 8, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. The class is limited to 12 students and the cost $150.

Beginning July 13, a complete listing of youth and adult classes, including descriptions and cost, will be available on the Renaissance Centre website at www.wakeforestnc.gov/classes.aspx.

Online registration will begin Aug. 1 for fall and winter Renaissance Centre educational offerings at http://wakeforestnc.recdesk.com/. Payment can be made with debit card, MasterCard and Visa. Walk-in registrations will also be accepted daily at the Renaissance Centre Box Office, 405 S. Brooks St., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Acceptable forms of payment include cash, check, debit card, MasterCard and Visa.

For more information, contact Renaissance Centre Specialist Cathy Gouge at 919-435-9567 or cgouge@wakeforestnc.gov.

About Raleigh Little Theatre

Founded in 1936, Raleigh Little Theatre (RLT) is one of the oldest, continuously operating, community theatres in the United States. RLT offers entertainment, education, and community programs year-round, reaching 40,000 people. As a community theatre, RLT engages hundreds of volunteers under the guidance of professional staff to achieve its mission and bring quality live theatre to the Triangle region. Visit www.raleighlittletheatre.org for more information. Follow Raleigh Little Theatre on Twitter @RLT1936 or twitter.com/RLT1936 or Facebook at facebook.com/RaleighLittleTheatre.


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