
September 7, 2024

Rerouting Youngsville truck traffic to Wake Forest ‘only a suggestion’

There has been gossip recently about what some people said was a Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce “project,” rerouting the heavy truck traffic on NC 96 through Youngsville to Wake Forest.

That rerouting would be accomplished by directing the heavy truck traffic on NC 96 south on US 1 at an intersection north of Wake Forest.

US 1 becomes Capital Boulevard in Wake County, and the trucks would continue south, then head east on the NC 98 Bypass in Wake Forest and NC 98 east of town until the intersection with NC 98 and NC 96 at the roundabout near Frazier’s store.

Trucks heading south and then west toward North Carolina’s coast prefer to leave US 81 south of Henderson and follow NC 96 until they reach US-64 and US 264 near Zebulon. Unfortunately, that truck traffic goes through Youngsville on its Main Street, and the heavy use is damaging the pavement.

Joe Kimray, the president of the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce, said Tuesday that the rerouting “is not a chamber project” and that the first time he heard of it was last week. He attended a routine meeting of local Wake and Franklin counties leaders in Youngsville and was able to keep track of the truck traffic, saying between eight and 15 trucks went through town in an early morning hour.

The suggestion about the rerouting probably came from NC Department of Transportation employees, Kimray said. Youngsville Mayor Fonzie Flowers is said to entertain the rerouting, but building a bypass for NC 96 between Youngsville and Franklinton has also been suggested.

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4 Responses

  1. Carol, Did you find someone to elp you with your computer. If not, let me know. I will send info about a computer person on my neighborhood site. Still look forward to and appreciate your site. Priscilla Rolls


  2. Youngsville will never be more than it is now. A commercial through town. The Planning Board can dream all they want but their decisions to date have proven their ineptitude.
    Youngsville began as a commercial town and will always remain that way. It’s a shame that such incapable people are running things. Youngsville could have had a beautiful future as a family attraction but that ship has sailed.
    I live in Youngsville and I drive through the Planning and Zoning Boards stupidity every day. Sad….

    1. The BOC makes the final decision on all rezonings not the planning board. The planning board members are all stakeholders like yourself who volunteer. Voters had an opportunity to elect someone with common sense during the last election. The voters unfortunately bought into the smear campaign spearheaded by a local real estate agent & other politicians. Y’all chose someone who had a professional & financial interest over someone who had the citizen’s best interest at heart. Next election don’t listen to the real estate agent that is friends with most of the politicians on your board. How about donating & knocking on folks’ doors to get a real leader elected? You need to clean house with your Franklin County board too.

  3. Perhaps you should put, “Joe Kimray, the president of the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce, said Tuesday that the rerouting “is not a chamber project” and that the first time he heard of it was last week.” under the first sentence rather than burying it later in the article.

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