At their April 20, 2021 meeting the Wake Forest town commissioners voted to reduce the number of planning board members from nine to seven and asked Planning Department Director Courtney Tanner to provide different options on how to make the chop. Since planning board member Karlene Turrentine has submitted her resignation because she is moving out of town, the chop only has to be administered to one member. Also, since Chris Joyner is the sole member from the town’s ETJ and appointed to two-year terms by the Wake County commissioners, he cannot be cut to reduce the membership. Commissioner Jim Dyer suggested it be Jim Stephanadis, but we must wait for June 15’s town board meeting to see if that is the choice.
At last week’s town board work session and planning board meeting, Tanner introduced to both boards the draft of a handbook for planning board members and reminded the two boards that planning board members are expected to take an active role in improving the planning process rather than passively acting on planning requests.
Tanner had sent the commissioners a memo giving them six options for the member to be cut with explanations. The following are the options:
Option 1: Terms Expiring in 2021 (oldest appointments)
*Christ Joyner (ETJ representative)
*Karin Kuropas
*Colleen Sharpe
Option 2: Terms Expiring in 2023 (newest appointments)
*Michael Hickey
*Michael Siderio
*Jim Stephanadis
Option 3: Did Not Attend Planning Academy
*Michael Hickey
*Chris Joyner (ETJ representative)
*Michael Siderio
*Jim Stephanadis
Option 4: Did Not Attend the NE Community Plan Workshops held in March
*Thomas Ballman
*Michael Hickey
*Chris Joyner (ETJ representative)
*Joe Kimray (chairman)
*Karin Kuropas (vice-chairman)
*Colleen Sharpe
*Michael Siderio
*Jim Stephanadis
Option 5: Did Not Attend Community Plan Workshops held in April
*Chris Joyner (ETJ representative)
*Karin Kuropas (vice-chairman)
*Colleen Sharpe (tried to attend the first workshop that experienced a glitch
that prevented her attendance)
*Michael Siderio
Option 6: Has Not Returned Signed Town’s iPad Acceptable Use Policy Form
*Michael Hickey
3 Responses
Why did they decide to reduce the number of Planning Board members?
The town is reducing the number of advisory boards and reducing the numbers on the boards overall. I can’t answer the why.
Carol – This is an interesting take on this Planning Board issue. Maybe an option could be a re-boot of the Planning Board – like having everyone resign and reapply alongside people who wish to also be on the planning board who are willing to take classes & workshops for the honor?
But this does in a way feel like sort of a litmus test – must you live in the town 5 plus years to have a voice? I’ve been here 21 years now & remember regular people who served on the Planning Board who did an awesome job having never attended a Leadership Academy.
How many years is enough years? Should we require post-graduate degrees?
Ultimately, isn’t it the Town Board of Commissioners who over the past 4 years appointed these newer members? Who chose to replace the hardworking Mr. Garry et al?
Isn’t it the Town Boards job as the elected officials of 50,000 taxpayers to decide who will serve on unelected boards?
At the end of the day, Should these recalcitrant Planning Board members be given an opportunity to correct any deficiencies? Especially such a technicality as not signing a terms of use agreement?
I look forward to seeing how this drama plays out.