Public Power Week celebrated Oct. 6-12

The Town of Wake Forest and Wake Forest Power are joining more than 2,000 not-for-profit utilities in celebrating Public Power Week Oct. 6-12. As part of this annual week-long celebration, the Town and Wake Forest Power will offer several special events and activities:

*  Kids’ Poster Contest

Wake Forest-area kids, ages 12 and under, are invited to submit a picture/poster related to this year’s theme Community Powered. The pictures/posters should be no larger than 12”x12”. Staff will display as many of the submissions as possible in the Town Hall lobby. The winner will receive a gift certificate to a local restaurant.

*  Kids’ Scavenger Hunt

Children ages 12 and under who complete the 2019 Public Power Week Scavenger Hunt questionnaire and identify common “energy thieves” in the home will be entered to win a prize at the evening session of the Energy Expo on Thursday, Oct. 10, 6 to 7:30 p.m. To download the scavenger hunt questionnaire and registration form, visit

*  Public Power Week Crossword Puzzle Contest

From now through Wednesday, Oct. 9, Wake Forest Power residential electric customers can enter to win free electricity in October by participating in the Public Power Week Crossword Puzzle Contest. Three winners will be announced during the evening Energy Expo on Oct. 10. To download the crossword puzzle and registration form, visit

*  Savings for Seniors Bingo

Wake Forest-area seniors are invited to enjoy a special morning of bingo on Tuesday, Oct. 8. From 1:30 to 3 p.m. Wake Forest Power will host Savings for Seniors Bingo”in the Ground Floor Meeting Room of the Wake Forest Town Hall at 301 South Brooks Street. Highlighting a variety of energy-savings ideas, this event will offer participants the chance to have fun and win prizes donated by local merchants. The meeting room is most easily accessed via Town Hall’s Taylor Street entrance. To participate, RSVP to Heather Mitchell at<> or 919-435-9479.

*  Customer Appreciation

Public Power Week is also Customer Appreciation Week. As our way of saying “thank you” to our valued customers, Town staff will serve popcorn each day in the lobby of Town Hall and give away special prizes. Staff will also be available to share information and answer questions about Wake Forest’s array of customer programs and services. Sign up for Wake Forest Pre Pay Power this week and receive a $20 account credit. For more information, contact Nicole Press at<> or 919-435-9468.

*  Daytime & Evening Energy Expo

On Thursday, Oct. 10, the Town Hall lobby will be the scene of a daytime and evening energy savings and electric safety expo featuring hands-on demonstrations and representatives from Wake Forest Power, ElectriCities, Northern Regional Center, Resources for Seniors, ChurchNet, Wake County Human Services and more. The Town and Wake Forest Power will present the daytime expo from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., then welcome co-sponsor Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for the evening edition from 6 to 7:30 p.m. All area residents are invited to attend and learn how to make their homes more energy efficient, save money on their electric bills, avoid electric hazards, and be safe around electricity. During the energy expo participants can also register to win a variety of special prizes donated by local merchants.

*  Free Hot Dogs

Wake Forest Power will celebrate Customer Appreciation Day on Thursday, Oct. 10, by giving away free hot dogs and sodas beginning at 11 a.m. Wake Forest area residents are invited to come get a hot dog while they last.

*  Electric Safety Demonstrations

Also during the day on Oct. 10, Wake Forest Power linemen will offer on-demand electric safety demonstrations in Centennial Plaza for groups of two or more. The creative program will teach children and adults smart electrical safety habits, demonstrate the power of electricity and show the potential hazards associated with unsafe actions around power lines, pad mount transformers and switchgear. Participants will also experience what it is like to be a lineman and how they stay safe when working with electricity. By handling tools and safety equipment, visitors will have the chance to learn firsthand the importance of electrical safety. Wake Forest Power will also display a bucket truck and other equipment in the Town Hall parking lot for visitors to view and enjoy.

A division of the Town of Wake Forest, Wake Forest Power supplies electricity to approximately 5,000 residential and 1,300 commercial customers. A public power community since 1909, Wake Forest is one of 32 members of the North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (NCEMPA). For more information about Wake Forest Power, visit<>.
