Planning board has interesting agenda

Tuesday evening, March 6, Wake Forest Planning board members will face an interesting agenda with three items.

Forestville Towns, a townhouse project on the deadend section of Forestville Road behind The Real McCoys, was rejected by the town commissioners on a three to two vote in December after Commissioner Brian Pate said he did not feel good about 95 townhouse owners entering the current traffic mess each morning at the intersection of Rogers Road and a short street leading to Heritage Trade Drive with its school and many businesses and the section of Forestville Road. A police officer is stationed there every morning.

Scott Murray Land Planning is again asking for approval although the company has reduced the number of units by one, deleted an alley and increased the open space. There is also a lengthy new traffic study. The request is for a new zoning, residential conditional mixed use district, and approval of the master plan.

Second up is a request by Jeffrey S. Triezenberg to rezone two parcels at 1273 South Main and 121 Liberty Street from neighborhood business to residential mixed use. The lot facing South Main has a florist business, Distinctive Designs, and the lot on Liberty is empty. Together the parcels are 0.36 acres. There is a chiropractic office in an old house on the north, rental houses along Liberty on the east, a lot and trucking company to the south and an auction house to the south and west. It is also the intersection of a short piece of Forestville Road. With some exceptions the entire area is zoned for neighborhood business.

Third up is a request filled by The Woda Group, which specializes in development construction management, to rezone 4.2 acres on Durham Road from conditional use highway business to residential mixed use. The land is owned by Nexus Global Business Solutions which in 2005 was granted approval to build a three-story office building there as its corporate headquarters. It is still in business with offices on Unicon Drive in the South Forest Industrial Park.

This request for residential zoning is not recommended by the planning staff because it is inconsistent with the plan for the area, which is highway business.

The planning board meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor meeting room.


One Response

  1. Correction: the police officer is stationed on Rogers Rd and directing traffic TWICE a day. The worst traffic backups occur with the AM commute and schools starting up, and then again when the schools let out in the afternoon (and those on flex time who commence work in the very early AM are returning home). Twice in recent months, I have waited at the light to turn from S.Main onto Rogers Rd only to be unable to turn on the green initially because traffic on Rogers was backed up all the way to that light!