Planners recommend apartments on Ligon Mill Road

Tuesday night the Wake Forest Planning Board recommended approval of two apartment buildings on a seven-acre site along Ligon Mill Road between the back entrance to Walmart and Caveness Farms Avenue.

The property backs up to the Wake Forest Middle School Park and is immediately south of the Palisades apartment complex on Stone Monument Drive and Longbourn Drive. It will be connected to that complex and share the amenities center because the same company owns the complex and will build the future two apartment buildings, Triangle Real Estate of Gastonia. Of course that depends on the Wake Forest commissioners also approving the project, which will be on their agenda Oct. 19.

Peter Cnossen of the firm Jones & Cnossen Engineering acknowledged the site has its problems, including steep grade. The two apartment buildings will be placed on the northern end of the site with a private driveway connecting the site with the apartment complex.

“We will be preserving as much of the [tree] cover as possible” on the 100 feet or so on the site’s southern end, Cnossen said. The southern end of the site is next to about an acre owned by the Town of Wake Forest and the 29-home Orchard Park subdivision.

If or when the apartments are approved, Ligon Mill Road will be widened, completing the widening of the road between South Main Street and the N.C. 98 Bypass.

Chairman Joe Kimray asked about any commercial use on the property and was told there is no opportunity for commercial. Someone commented that there is the opportunity for a lot of shopping within walking distance of the site, and someone else noted that two apartment buildings with the required parking is “a pretty intensive use for this piece of land.” (It was difficult using Channel 10 to know who spoke.)

The vote was six to one to recommend approval to the town board.



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