Picture these changes in town

The Town of Wake Forest is planning four capital improvement projects – phase 3 of downtown improvements, operational improvements to Durham Road (N.C. 98 Business), phases two and three on the Smith Creek Greenway and removing the dam at Ailey Young Park.

Town officials want to share information about these projects and hear from town residents how they might be improved. That informational meeting will be held from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre at 405 Brooks Street. It is an open house format; people can drop by any time to ask questions and offer their opinions. Light refreshments will be served and attendees will be eligible to participate in several prize drawings.
Picture Wake Forest is the name given to the town’s initiative aimed at sharing information and soliciting community input about multiple Capital Improvement Projects during one meeting. In the past, the town scheduled public meetings to address individual projects. Moving forward, the town plans to host one meeting each year at which time it will provide information and solicit feedback on multiple projects. Picture Wake Forest is designed to encourage greater public participation by inviting area residents to attend one meeting as opposed to several.
For more information about Picture Wake Forest, including details about each of the four Capital Improvement Projects, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov<http://www.wakeforestnc.gov> and search Picture Wake Forest or contact Assistant to the Town Manager Candace Davis at 919-435-9513 or cdavis@wakeforestnc.gov<mailto:cdavis@wakeforestnc.gov>.

