Yesterday a truck with a testing trailer began working on some Wake Forest streets, coring holes in the asphalt. It is the start of the $18 million 2024 Street Resurfacing Project stretching over three years to totally repave our town’s streets.
When it is complete, the town will spend $2 million annually to maintain them. The $18 million was approved by the town’s voters in the 2022 bond referendum which totaled $75 million for roads, greenways, parks and recreation and a downtown parking garage. Along with this paving project, plans for the approved greenway construction will be the next to get underway.
The truck is equipped with sensors that use radar data to determine the thickness of the street pavement and coring equipment to take pavement samples where necessary. In those instances, the subcontractor will fill all sample holes immediately.
The subcontractor will make every effort to avoid impacting traffic, but occasional disruptions and delays are possible.
This fall, after the data collected has been analyzed, the town will provide a list of the streets to be repaved.
5 Responses
Besides paving the streets in our town, how about fixing all the POTHOLES that have TURNED INTO CRATERS in the parking lot of the Renaissance Center and the far entrance in the back of Dollar General. After it rains and they are filled with water you cannot even see them and they will seriously damage your car.
Totally agree. Whoever owns the property does fast-result fillins that do not last. Trying to get to any of the businesses there has to dodge and weave to avoid sizeable pot holes.
That property is privately owned. It is not the town’s responsibility. Contact the owner of the shopping center if you want action on it.
Nice! Let’s wait until schools are in session to start the repairs. If they use top shelf asphalt it will last years. If they buy cheap stuff….in a couple of years we will be backed up in traffic again. How much of the developers impact fees are going toward this project?
Clearly you are not paying attention. We have year round schools in Wake Forest so they are always in session.
It amazes me that people want things repaired but think it magically happens while they are sleeping.